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6C18: Alter UDG references in the play area for a door, a window, a cup or the bike
Used by the routines at 5DDC, 6CD4, 7040 and FA4D. The UDG reference tables used by this routine are organised into entries of four bytes each. Each entry corresponds to a single UDG within the matrix of UDGs for the door, window, cup or bike:
Byte Contents
1 y-coordinate
2 x-coordinate
3 UDG reference
4 (bits 0-3) BRIGHT/PAPER attributes
4 (bits 6 & 7) UDG base page identifier
The data tables used are located as follows:
Address Object
DD3D Left study door (closed)
DE3D Left study door (open)
DF00 Right study door (closed)
E000 Right study door (open)
DD00 Science Lab storeroom door (closed)
DE00 Science Lab storeroom door (open)
DF3D Boys' skool door (closed)
E03D Boys' skool door (open)
F900 Skool gate (closed)
FA00 Skool gate (open)
DB00 Drinks cabinet door (closed)
DC00 Drinks cabinet door (open)
D700 Top-floor window (closed)
D800 Top-floor window (open)
D900 Middle-floor window (closed)
DA00 Middle-floor window (open)
DB11 Cups in the boys' skool (empty)
DD76 Leftmost cup in the boys' skool (containing water)
DD7B Leftmost cup in the boys' skool (containing sherry)
DE76 Middle cup in the boys' skool (containing water)
DE7B Middle cup in the boys' skool (containing sherry)
DF76 Rightmost cup in the boys' skool (containing water)
DF7B Rightmost cup in the boys' skool (containing sherry)
DC11 Cup in the girls' skool (empty)
E076 Cup in the girls' skool (containing water)
E07B Cup in the girls' skool (containing sherry)
E100 Tree (with no bike attached)
E200 Tree (with bike attached)
HL UDG reference table address
6C18 LD A,(HL) Pick up the y-coordinate (Y) in D
6C19 LD D,A
6C1A INC A Return if we found the end-of-table marker (0xFF)
6C1C INC HL Point HL at byte 2 of this table entry
6C1D LD E,(HL) Pick up the x-coordinate (X) in E
6C1E INC HL Point HL at byte 3 of this table entry
6C20 LD A,($7FFF) C=leftmost column of the play area on screen
6C23 LD C,A
6C24 LD A,E Jump if (X,Y) is off-screen (no need to update the screen refresh buffer)
6C25 SUB C
6C26 JR C,$6C45
6C28 CP $20
6C2A JR NC,$6C45
(X,Y) corresponds to a location that is currently on-screen, so we have to update the screen refresh buffer (SRB).
6C2C LD C,A 0<=C<=31 (screen x-coordinate)
6C2D AND $07 Point HL at an entry in the 8-byte table at E178, whose contents are (0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01)
6C2F ADD A,$78
6C31 LD L,A
6C32 LD H,$E1
6C34 LD B,(HL) Pick up this entry in B
6C35 LD A,C 0<=A<=31 (screen x-coordinate)
6C36 RRCA Point HL at the byte of the SRB corresponding to (X,Y)
6C39 AND $03
6C40 LD H,$7F
6C42 LD A,(HL) Set the appropriate bit in the SRB byte
6C43 OR B
6C44 LD (HL),A
The UDG reference (i.e. the LSB of the base address of the skool UDG) for the skool location (X,Y) must be modified to reflect the change in status of the door, window, cup or bike.
6C45 LD L,E Point HL at the Q value (0x00<=Q<=0x8F) in page 0xB5 for the x-coordinate X (see 606C)
6C46 LD H,$B5
6C48 LD E,(HL) Pick up the Q value in E
6C49 LD A,D Set DE to the address where the UDG reference for (X,Y) is stored
6C4A ADD A,$A0
6C4D POP HL Point HL at byte 3 of the table entry
6C4E LD A,(HL) Pick up the replacement UDG reference in A
6C4F INC HL Point HL at byte 4 of the table entry
6C50 LD (DE),A Replace the UDG reference for the skool location (X,Y) with the one collected from the table entry
The attribute byte for the skool location (X,Y) must be modified too.
6C51 LD A,(HL) Pick up byte 4 of the table entry in A
6C52 AND $0F Keep only bits 0-3 (the BRIGHT and PAPER attributes)
6C54 LD B,A Copy them to B
6C55 LD A,E A=Q (0x00<=Q<=0x8F)
6C56 LD C,A Save the Q value in C for later
6C57 ADD A,$68 Point DE at byte 0xB4+INT(Q/2) of page Y+0xA0, where the BRIGHT and PAPER attributes for the skool location (X,Y) are stored
6C59 SCF
6C5C JR C,$6C69 Jump if Q is odd (BRIGHT and PAPER in bits 0-3)
6C5E LD A,B Shift the BRIGHT and PAPER attributes from bits 0-3 to bits 4-7 of B
6C63 LD B,A
6C64 LD A,(DE) Pick up the current attribute byte for the skool location (X,Y), keeping bits 0-3 as they are
6C65 AND $0F
6C67 JR $6C6C Jump forward to adjust bits 4-7 appropriately
6C69 LD A,(DE) Pick up the current attribute byte for the skool location (X,Y), keeping bits 4-7 as they are
6C6A AND $F0
6C6C OR B Adjust bits 0-3 (if Q is odd) or bits 4-7 (Q is even) of the attribute byte for the skool location (X,Y)
6C6D LD (DE),A
Finally, the base page (0x80, 0x88, 0x90 or 0x98) for the new skool UDG reference must be set.
6C6E LD A,(HL) Pick up byte 4 of the table entry in A again
6C6F AND $C0 Keep only bits 6 and 7
6C71 BIT 6,A Set B=10001000 if these bits are 11, 10000000 (10), 00001000 (01) or 00000000 (00)
6C73 JR Z,$6C77
6C75 SUB $38
6C77 LD B,A
6C78 LD A,C A=Q
6C79 LD C,$88 C=10001000
6C7B SRL A Set A=INT(Q/4), and shift B and C right (Q AND 3) times
6C7D JR NC,$6C83
6C81 RRC C
6C83 SRL A
6C85 JR NC,$6C8F
6C87 RRC B
6C89 RRC C
6C8F ADD A,$90 Point DE at byte 0x90+INT(Q/4) of page Y+0xA0, where the UDG MSB identifier bit-pair for skool location (X,Y) is held (see 606C)
6C91 LD E,A
6C92 LD A,(DE) Pick up the current MSB identifier byte in A
6C93 OR C Replace bits (0,4), (1,5), (2,6) or (3,7) in this byte with the corresponding bits in B
6C94 XOR C
6C95 OR B
6C96 LD (DE),A Store the new MSB identifier byte
Move to the next entry in the table.
6C97 INC HL Point HL at the first byte of the next entry in the table
6C98 JP $6C18 Jump back to process it
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