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E5DC: Command list 0x2C: Stalk HAYLEY - ANGELFACE
Used by ANGELFACE in lessons 0x37, 0x39 and 0x3B.
E5DC DEFW $F7D7 Put the next address in ANGELFACE's buffer, making him...
E5E0 DEFW $6464 Go to...
E5E2 DEFB $78,$11 ...wherever HAYLEY's going (HAYLEY's coordinates are placed here by the routine at F7DF)
E5E4 DEFW $F7D7 Put the next address in ANGELFACE's buffer, making him...
E5E6 DEFW $F7DF ...stalk HAYLEY
E5E8 DEFW $7CE1 Walk up and down...
E5EA DEFB $00,$09 ...9 times
E5EC DEFW $F0B8 Restart the command list
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