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27276: Save the area of the screen that will be overwritten by a message box
Used by the routines at 29716, 29896 and 62668. Returns with the carry flag set if the message box would be off-screen. Otherwise copies the area of the screen that will be overwritten by the message box into the buffer at 58152, and returns with the attribute file address for the top-left corner of the message box in DE.
DE Coordinates of the point above the character's head
27276 LD A,(32767) B=leftmost column of the play area on screen
27279 LD B,A
27280 LD A,E A=x-coordinate of the character's head
27281 AND 248 A=x-coordinate of the left edge of the message box
27283 SUB B Return with the carry flag set if the message box would be off-screen to the right
27284 CP 32
27286 CCF
27287 RET C
27288 LD E,A E=0, 8, 16 or 24: screen x-coordinate of the left edge of the message box
27289 LD A,D A=y-coordinate of the point above the character's head
27290 SUB 3 A=y-coordinate of the top line of the message box
27292 RET C Return with the carry flag set if this would be off the top of the screen
The message box is going to be printed. Prepare for that by saving the area of the screen that will be overwritten.
27293 LD D,0 DE=0, 8, 16 or 24
27295 PUSH HL Save HL
27296 ADD A,A Set HL the to the attribute file address for the top left corner of the message box
27297 ADD A,A
27298 ADD A,A
27299 LD L,A
27300 LD H,22
27302 ADD HL,HL
27303 ADD HL,HL
27304 ADD HL,DE
27305 PUSH HL Save this base attribute file address
27306 LD DE,58152 Point DE at the buffer used to save the screen area overwritten by the message box (at 58152)
27309 LD A,3 Copy three rows of eight attribute bytes each from the screen into the first 24 bytes of the buffer
27311 LD BC,8
27314 LDIR
27316 LD C,24
27318 ADD HL,BC
27319 DEC A
27320 JR NZ,27311
27322 POP HL Restore the base attribute file address to HL
27323 PUSH HL And save it again
27324 LD A,H Set HL to the display file address for the top left corner of the message box
27325 SUB 80
27327 ADD A,A
27328 ADD A,A
27329 ADD A,A
27330 LD H,A
27331 LD C,3 There are 3 rows of UDGs to copy
27333 LD A,8 8 pixel rows per UDG
27335 PUSH BC
27336 PUSH HL
27337 LD C,8 8 UDGs per row
27339 LDIR Copy one row of pixels into the buffer
27341 POP HL
27342 INC H Move HL to the next row of pixels on screen
27343 DEC A
27344 JR NZ,27336 Jump back until all 8 pixel rows for this row of UDGs have been copied into the buffer
27346 LD A,L Move HL to the display file address for the start of the top row of pixels for the next row of UDGs
27347 ADD A,32
27349 LD L,A
27350 JR C,27356
27352 LD A,H
27353 SUB 8
27355 LD H,A
27356 POP BC
27357 DEC C One more row of UDGs copied
27358 JR NZ,27333 Jump back until all 3 rows have been done
27360 POP DE Drop the base attribute file address into DE
27361 POP HL Restore the original contents of HL
27362 RET Return with the carry flag reset
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