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31462: Release some mice (if possible)
The address of this routine is placed into 32727 by the routine at 57893. It releases up to five mice, depending on (a) how many ERIC has caught, and (b) the availability of character buffers 198 and 199 (little boys 9 and 10) and 206-208 (BOY WANDER, ANGELFACE and EINSTEIN).
H 210 (ERIC)
31462 LD A,(32767) A=leftmost column of the play area on screen
31465 CP 144 Is at least half of the girls' skool on-screen?
31467 RET C Return if not
31468 LD A,(32737) 32737 holds the number of mice ERIC has caught
31471 AND A Has ERIC caught any mice?
31472 RET Z Return if not
31473 PUSH HL
31474 PUSH AF Save the number of captive mice
31475 LD L,2 Collect ERIC's coordinates in DE
31477 LD D,(HL)
31478 DEC L
31479 LD E,(HL)
31480 INC E E=x-coordinate of the spot in front of ERIC (if he's facing right)
31481 DEC L L=0
31482 BIT 7,(HL) Is ERIC facing right?
31484 JR NZ,31488 Jump if so
31486 DEC E E=x-coordinate of the spot in front of ERIC (if he's facing left)
31487 DEC E
31488 CALL 31502 Release up to five mice at the spot in front of ERIC
31491 POP AF A=number of mice ERIC had before trying to release some
31492 LD HL,32737 32737 holds the number of mice ERIC has left
31495 CP (HL) Set the zero flag if ERIC couldn't release any mice
31496 LD A,(HL) A=number of mice left in ERIC's pocket
31497 CALL NZ,31682 Print these in the inventory
31500 POP HL
31501 RET
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