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61CF: Add a random number of bucks to Sam's total
Used by the routine at 63C3. Adds $1, $5, $10 or $20 to Sam's cash supply, and prints the new total.
61CF CALL $F17F Get a random number in A
61D2 LD E,$01 Sam will get $1 if A<=0x7F
61D4 CP $80
61D6 JR C,$61E6
61D8 LD E,$05 Sam will get $5 if 0x80<=A<=0xD1
61DA CP $D2
61DC JR C,$61E6
61DE CP $F8 Sam will get $10 if 0xD2<=A<=0xF7
61E0 LD E,$0A
61E2 JR C,$61E6
61E4 LD E,$14 Sam will get $20 if A>=0xF8
61E6 LD A,E A=1, 5, 10 or 20
61E7 JP $6E92 Add this number of bucks to Sam's total and print the new total
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