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76DD: Check whether Sam is standing next to a ringing telephone
Continues from the routine at 749E. On entry, E holds the identifier of the telephone that Sam is standing next to. Returns with the zero flag always reset, and the carry flag reset if the telephone is ringing.
E Telephone identifier
76DD LD A,($5C79) Collect the second byte of the FRAMES system variable, which is incremented every 5.12s
76E0 LD HL,$7F99 7F99 holds the value of the second byte of the FRAMES system variable as it was the last time Sam lifted a ringing telephone
76E3 SUB (HL) Subtract the current value
76E4 CP $03 Has less than 10.24s passed since Sam last lifted a ringing telephone?
76E6 RET C Return with the carry flag set if so
76E7 LD HL,$6B4B Point HL at the ringing phone location table at 6B4B
This entry point is used by the routine at 77A3 (with HL=6B4B or 6B72).
76EA LD A,E A=telephone identifier
76EB CP (HL) Does it match the first byte of the phone entry?
76EC JR Z,$76F7 Jump if so
76EE LD A,(HL) Have we reached the end of the phone table?
76EF ADD A,$02
76F1 RET C Return with the carry flag set if so
76F2 INC HL Point HL at the first byte of the next entry in the phone table
76F5 JR $76EA Check the next entry
76F7 AND A Reset the carry and zero flags
76F8 RET
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