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7AB6: Increment the score and decrement Sam's cash supply at regular intervals
Used by the routine at F000. Increments the score and decrements Sam's cash supply every 5.12s. Displays the endgame cutscene and enters demo mode if Sam runs out of money.
7AB6 LD A,($7FEE) Collect the current game mode (0-4) from 7FEE
7AB9 AND A Is it demo mode?
7ABA RET Z Return if so
7ABB LD HL,($5C78) Collect the two least significant bytes of the system variable FRAMES in HL
7ABE LD DE,($7FD4) DE=two least significant bytes of the system variable FRAMES as they were the last time the score was incremented
7AC2 LD BC,$FF00 BC=-256
7AC5 SBC HL,DE Was the score last incremented at least 5.12s ago?
7AC8 RET NC Return if not
7AC9 LD HL,($5C78) Collect the two least significant bytes of the system variable FRAMES in HL
7ACC LD ($7FD4),HL Store these bytes at 7FD4 for comparison next time
7ACF CALL $6EB1 Increment the score and decrement Sam's cash supply
7AD2 RET NZ Return unless Sam has no money left
7AD3 LD A,$22 Message 0x22: 'I WAS BROKE AGAIN...'
This entry point is used by the routines at 6100, 6592 and FB52.
7AD5 PUSH AF Save the message number briefly
7AD6 LD A,$39 A=57, D=8, E=216: the top-left corner of the cutscene window will be at (224,19), with Sam at (229,19) (in his office)
7AD8 LD DE,$08D8
This entry point is used by the routines at 7B9A and F8AE.
7ADB CALL $7866 Prepare for the cutscene
7ADE POP AF Restore the cutscene message number to A
7ADF JP $790D Display the cutscene
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