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FC00: Deal with a character who is stepping onto or over the roof of no. 19
Used by the routine at FB52. If the character is about to step off the edge of the roof of no. 17 or the apartment building next to no. 19 towards no. 19, this routine checks whether there is a rope above the roof of no. 19 and moves the character accordingly. Otherwise, if the character is about to move left onto the roof of no. 17 (having just crossed the roof of no. 19 by means of the rope), this routine removes the rope.
B Location indicator (2-6; see FB52)
H Character number (0xD7-0xE6)
FC00 LD A,B A=location indicator
FC01 CP $02 Is the character standing on the right edge of the roof of one of the apartment buildings (next to no. 74 and no. 19), or on the left edge of the roof of no. 17?
FC03 RET NZ Return if not
FC04 LD L,$01 Point HL at byte 0x01 of the character's buffer
FC06 LD A,(HL) A=character's x-coordinate
FC07 CP $CE Is it less than 206 (meaning the character is standing on the right edge of the roof of the apartment building next to no. 74)?
FC09 RET C Return if so
FC0A JR NZ,$FC16 Jump unless the character's x-coordinate is 206
The character is standing on the right edge of the roof the apartment building next to no. 19, or the left edge of the roof of no. 17.
FC0C LD A,($B91A) Collect the Z value for 208<=x<=215, 6<=y<=11 from the block at B900
FC0F CP $0B Is there a rope connecting the roofs of no. 17 and the apartment building next to no. 19 (in which case A=9)?
FC11 RET Z Return if not
FC12 POP BC Drop the return address (FB55) from the stack
FC13 JP $EC07 Move the character midstride
The character is standing on the left edge of the roof of no. 17.
FC16 DEC L L=0x00
FC17 BIT 7,(HL) Is the character facing left?
FC19 JR Z,$FC0C Jump if so
The character is about to move right, away from the left edge of the roof of no. 17.
FC1B LD A,($B91A) Collect the Z value for 208<=x<=215, 6<=y<=11 from the block at B900
FC1E CP $0B Is there a rope connecting the roofs of no. 17 and the apartment building next to no. 19 (in which case A=9)?
FC20 CALL NZ,$FC25 Remove it if so
FC23 JR $FC12 Move the character midstride
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