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61764: Close any doors that need closing
Used by the routine at 61440. Periodically checks whether any open doors need closing, and closes them.
HL 32681 (main loop task timer)
61764 LD A,(HL) Collect the current value of the main loop task timer from 32681
61765 AND 15 Is it time to close any currently open doors?
61767 RET NZ Return if not
61768 LD L,250 HL will be used to index the door status flags at 32752
61770 DEC L Point HL at the status flags for the next door
61771 BIT 4,L Have we checked every door yet?
61773 RET Z Return if so
61774 LD A,(HL) Pick up the status flags for this door
61775 AND 7 Is the door currently closed?
61777 JR Z,61770 If so, jump back to check the next door
61779 DEC (HL) Decrement the door close delay timer in bits 0-2 of the status flags
61780 DEC A Is it time to close the door?
61781 JR NZ,61770 If not, jump back to check the next door
61783 PUSH HL Save the door status flags pointer
61784 CALL 61696 Close the door and update the screen refresh buffer
61787 POP HL Restore the door status flags pointer to HL
61788 JR 61770 Jump back to check the next door
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