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61823: Get a random number
Used by the routines at 25039, 25118, 25307, 25420, 26224, 28616, 29361, 30627, 31126, 31594, 62597, 63209, 63304, 63530, 64005 and 64338. Returns with a random number in A.
61823 PUSH HL
61824 LD HL,(32734) Collect the random number seed from 32734
61827 INC HL Add 257 to it
61828 INC H
61829 LD (32734),HL Store the new seed
61832 LD A,(23672) Collect the LSB of the system variable FRAMES, which is incremented every 20ms
61835 XOR (HL) A=random number
61836 POP HL
61837 RET
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