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63281: Make a character drop Sam
Used by the command lists at 64756, 64790, 64816, 64846 and 64878. Makes the character drop Sam and stop running, and restarts the command list.
H Character number (215-229)
63281 CALL 59848 Update the SRB for the character's current animatory state and location
63284 AND 242 A=animatory state of the character in phase 1 or 3 of his walking animation
63286 CALL 59861 Update the character's animatory state and location and update the SRB
63289 LD A,(HL) A=character's animatory state
63290 AND 112 Keep only bits 4-6
63292 CP 16 16: Is this character a policeman?
63294 JR NZ,63301 Jump if not
63296 LD A,128 Set bit 7 at 32747: Sam is in jail
63298 LD (32747),A
63301 JP 63110 Make the character stop running and restart the command list
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