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63520: Make a character walk up and down for a while
Used by the command lists at 64928, 64948, 64964, 64976, 65002, 65016, 65044, 65076, 65097, 65178 and 65184.
H Character number (215-229)
63520 LD L,11 Set the door identifier in byte 11 of the character's buffer to 168 (which corresponds to no door, meaning the character will not be on door duty)
63522 LD (HL),168
63524 INC L Set the walkabout duration counter in byte 12 of the character's buffer to 255 (meaning the character will walk up and down for a finite period instead of indefinitely)
63525 LD (HL),255
63527 JP 63309 Make the character begin walking up and down
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