Address Length Description
5C00 8
KSTATE - Used in reading the keyboard
5C08 1
LAST-K - Last key pressed
5C09 1
REPDEL - Time that a key must be held down before it repeats
5C0A 1
REPPER - Delay between successive repeats of a key held down
5C0B 2
DEFADD - Address of arguments of user defined function
5C0D 1
K-DATA - Second byte of colour controls entered from keyboard
5C0E 2
TVDATA - Colour, AT and TAB controls going to television
5C10 38
STRMS - Addresses of channels attached to streams
5C36 2
CHARS - 256 less than address of character set
5C38 1
RASP - Length of warning buzz
5C39 1
PIP - Length of keyboard click
5C3A 1
ERR-NR - One less than the error report code
5C3B 1
FLAGS - Various flags to control the BASIC system
5C3C 1
TV-FLAG - Flags associated with the television
5C3D 2
ERR-SP - Address of item on machine stack to use as error return
5C3F 2
LIST-SP - Return address from automatic listing
5C41 1
MODE - Specifies K, L, C, E or G cursor
5C42 2
NEWPPC - Line to be jumped to
5C44 1
NSPPC - Statement number in line to be jumped to
5C45 2
PPC - Line number of statement being executed
5C47 1
SUBPPC - Number within line of statement being executed
5C48 1
BORDCR - Border colour
5C49 2
E-PPC - Number of current line
5C4B 2
VARS - Address of variables
5C4D 2
DEST - Address of variable in assignment
5C4F 2
CHANS - Address of channel data
5C51 2
CURCHL - Address of information used for input and output
5C53 2
PROG - Address of BASIC program
5C55 2
NXTLIN - Address of next line in program
5C57 2
DATADD - Address of terminator of last DATA item
5C59 2
E-LINE - Address of command being typed in
5C5B 2
K-CUR - Address of cursor
5C5D 2
CH-ADD - Address of the next character to be interpreted
5C5F 2
X-PTR - Address of the character after the '?' marker
5C61 2
WORKSP - Address of temporary work space
5C63 2
STKBOT - Address of bottom of calculator stack
5C65 2
STKEND - Address of start of spare space
5C67 1
BREG - Calculator's B register
5C68 2
MEM - Address of area used for calculator's memory
5C6A 1
FLAGS2 - More flags
5C6B 1
DF-SZ - The number of lines in the lower part of the screen
5C6C 2
S-TOP - The number of the top program line in automatic listings
5C6E 2
OLDPPC - Line number to which CONTINUE jumps
5C70 1
OSPCC - Number within line of statement to which CONTINUE jumps
5C71 1
FLAGX - Various flags
5C72 2
STRLEN - Length of string type destination in assignment
5C74 2
T-ADDR - Address of next item in parameter table
5C76 2
SEED - The seed for RND
5C78 3
FRAMES - Frame counter
5C7B 2
UDG - Address of first user defined graphic
5C7D 2
COORDS - Coordinates of last point plotted
5C7F 1
P-POSN - Column number of printer position
5C80 2
PR-CC - Address of next position for LPRINT to print at
5C82 2
ECHO-E - Column and line number of end of input buffer
5C84 2
DF-CC - Address in display file of PRINT position
5C86 2
DF-CCL - Like DF-CC for lower part of screen
5C88 2
S-POSN - Column and line number for PRINT position
5C8A 2
S-POSNL - Like S-POSN for lower part of screen
5C8C 1
SCR-CT - Scroll counter
5C8D 1
ATTR-P - Permanent current colours
5C8E 1
MASK-P - Used for transparent colours
5C8F 1
ATTR-T - Temporary current colours
5C90 1
MASK-T - Temporary transparent colours
5C91 1
P-FLAG - More flags
5C92 30
MEMBOT - Calculator's memory area
5CB0 2
NMIADD - Non-maskable interrupt address
5CB2 2
RAMTOP - Address of last byte of BASIC system area
5CB4 2
P-RAMT - Address of last byte of physical RAM
5CB6 21
Channel information