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6A46: Deal with a character who has been knocked over
The address of this uninterruptible subcommand routine is placed into bytes 0x6F and 0x70 of a character's buffer by the routines at 69F6 and 6F99. It knocks the character to the floor, makes him give lines to any nearby kids or reveal his safe combination letter (if he's a teacher), and then makes him get up.
H Character number (0x98-0xA9)
6A46 LD L,$71 Byte 0x71 of the character's buffer holds the knockout delay counter
6A48 DEC (HL) Has the character already got up?
6A49 JP Z,$62A0 Terminate this uninterruptible subcommand if so
6A4C LD A,(HL) Pick up the delay counter in A
6A4D CP $13 Has the character only just been hit?
6A4F JR Z,$6A61 Jump if so
6A51 CALL $F955 If the character is a teacher, make him reveal his safe combination letter or give lines (as appropriate) and exit, or else return here
6A54 NOP
6A55 DEC A Is it time for the character to get up?
6A56 RET NZ Return if not
6A57 INC L Copy the character's pre-decked animatory state (stored in byte 0x72 of the character's buffer) to A
6A58 LD A,(HL)
6A5A CALL $6214 Update the SRB for the character's current animatory state
6A5E JP $61B0 Update the character's animatory state and update the SRB
The character has only just been hit, so adjust his animatory state to that of 'decked'.
6A61 CALL $6214 Update the SRB for the character's current animatory state
6A64 LD L,$72 Store the character's pre-decked animatory state in byte 0x72 of the buffer
6A66 LD (HL),A
6A67 AND $F8 Set A equal to the animatory state of the character lying on the floor
6A69 ADD A,$07
6A6B JP $61B0 Update the character's animatory state and update the SRB
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