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F400: Make a teacher conduct a question-and-answer session
Used by the routine at F300. Controls the teacher during a question-and-answer session, but hands control back to the routine at F300 if ERIC goes missing.
H Teacher's character number (0xA3-0xA6)
F400 LD L,$64 Replace the primary command routine address in bytes 0x63 and 0x64 of the teacher's buffer with F400 (this routine)
F402 LD (HL),$F4
F404 CALL $7CD0 Is ERIC in the room?
F407 JR Z,$F410 Jump if so
ERIC is absent.
F409 LD L,$64 Replace the address of this primary command routine in bytes 0x63 and 0x64 of the teacher's buffer with that of F300
F40B LD (HL),$F3
F40D JP $F305 Make EINSTEIN tell the teacher that ERIC is not in class
ERIC is in class, so fire off a question and answer.
F410 CALL $7A32 Prepare a question and the answer
F413 LD BC,$7986 Hand over control to the routine at 7986, making the teacher ask the question
F416 CALL $7CF1
Control returns here when the teacher has finished asking the question.
F419 EX DE,HL Transfer the teacher's character number to D
F41A CALL $7CB6 Make the teacher wait for EINSTEIN to answer the question
F41D JR $F404
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