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6F44: 'Q' pressed - up
The address of this routine is found in the table of keypress handling routines at E550. It is called from the main loop at F6EA when 'Q' or '7' is pressed.
6F44 CALL $6E50 Check whether ERIC is on a staircase
6F47 LD L,$00 Point HL at byte 0x00 of ERIC's buffer
6F49 JR C,$6F99 Jump if ERIC's on a staircase
6F4B BIT 7,(HL) Check the 'direction' bit of ERIC's animatory state
6F4D LD A,D A=ERIC's y-coordinate
6F4E JR Z,$6F7C Jump if ERIC's facing left
6F50 CP $0A Is ERIC on the middle floor?
6F52 JR Z,$6F77 Jump if so
6F54 CP $0E Is ERIC on the assembly hall stage?
6F56 JR Z,$6F72 Jump if so
6F58 CP $11 Is ERIC on the bottom floor?
6F5A JP NZ,$6F21 Move ERIC one space to the right if not
6F5D LD A,E A=ERIC's x-coordinate
6F5E CP $B0 This is the x-coordinate of the bottom of the stairs leading up to the middle floor of the girls' skool
6F60 JR NZ,$6F5A Jump if ERIC is not at that point
This entry point is used by the routines at 6E9B, 6F14 and 6F2C.
6F62 DEC D Up a stair
6F63 LD B,D B=ERIC's post-midstride y-coordinate
This entry point is used by the routine at 6FA0.
6F64 LD A,($D200) A=ERIC's animatory state
6F67 LD C,E C=ERIC's current x-coordinate
6F68 BIT 7,A Is ERIC facing left?
6F6A JR Z,$6F6E Jump if so
6F6E DEC C C=ERIC's post-midstride x-coordinate
6F6F JP $6DD2 Put ERIC midstride
ERIC is on the assembly hall stage, facing right.
6F72 LD A,E A=ERIC's x-coordinate
6F73 CP $51 This is the x-coordinate of the bottom of the stairs leading up from the stage to the middle floor
6F75 JR $6F60 Move ERIC up a stair if he's here
ERIC is on the middle floor, facing right.
6F77 LD A,E A=ERIC's x-coordinate
6F78 CP $13 This is the x-coordinate of the bottom of the stairs leading up to the Revision Library
6F7A JR $6F60 Move ERIC up a stair if he's here
ERIC is facing left.
6F7C CP $0A Is ERIC on the middle floor?
6F7E JR NZ,$6F8C Jump if not
6F80 LD A,E A=ERIC's x-coordinate
6F81 CP $5B This is the x-coordinate of the bottom of the stairs leading up to the head's study
6F83 JR Z,$6F62 Move ERIC up a stair if he's here
6F85 CP $BA This is the x-coordinate of the bottom of the stairs leading up to the top floor of the girls' skool
6F87 JP NZ,$6F39 Move ERIC one space left if he's not here
6F8A JR $6F62 Otherwise move him up a stair
6F8C CP $11 Is ERIC on the bottom floor?
6F8E JR NZ,$6F87 Jump if not
6F90 LD A,E A=ERIC's x-coordinate
6F91 CP $16 This is the x-coordinate of the bottom of the stairs leading up to the middle floor at the far left of the boys' skool
6F93 JR Z,$6F62 Move ERIC up a stair if he's here
6F95 CP $53 This is the x-coordinate of the bottom of the stairs leading up to the assembly hall stage
6F97 JR $6F87 Move ERIC up a stair if he's here
ERIC is on a staircase.
6F99 XOR (HL) Set the carry flag if ERIC is facing the wrong way to ascend the stairs
6F9B JP C,$6E38 Turn ERIC round if he's facing the wrong way
6F9E JR $6F62 Make ERIC go up a stair otherwise
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