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E400: Command list 0x16: Top-floor classroom - MISS TAKE
Used by MISS TAKE in lessons 0x25, 0x27, 0x29, 0x2C, 0x2E, 0x31, 0x35 and 0x36.
E400 DEFW $6464 Go to...
E402 DEFB $B7,$03 ...the doorway of MISS TAKE's study
E404 DEFW $6464 Go to...
E406 DEFB $BC,$03 ...the drinks cabinet
E408 DEFW $F46C Close the drinks cabinet door if it's open, and then restart the command list unless the boys' skool door is closed
E40A DEFW $717C Move the...
E40C DEFB $20,$01 ...drinks cabinet door (open it)
E40E DEFW $F460 Make the next command be the start of the command list
E410 DEFW $6464 Go to...
E412 DEFB $B8,$03 ...the doorway of MISS TAKE's study
E414 DEFW $6464 Go to...
E416 DEFB $B4,$03 ...the doorway of the top-floor classroom in the girls' skool
E418 DEFW $F073 Restart the command list, or tell the kids to sit down and signal that...
E41A DEFB $08 ...the teacher has arrived at the top-floor classroom in the girls' skool
E41B DEFW $6464 Go to...
E41D DEFB $A9,$03 ...the blackboard in the top-floor classroom in the girls' skool
E41F DEFW $F100 Wipe the board, conduct the class
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