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6A22: Initialise the guard countdown timers
Used by the routines at 6000 and 673A.
6A22 LD A,$00 Reset the active guard counter.
6A24 LD ($6B0A),A
6A27 LD HL,$0000 Initialise the first guard countdown timer to zero.
6A2A LD ($6DA6),HL
6A2D LD A,($7C62) Pick up the game speed parameter (1-8) in A.
6A30 LD H,A HL=256*A.
6A31 LD ($6DA8),HL Initialise the second guard countdown timer.
6A34 SLA H Double HL.
6A36 LD ($6DAA),HL Initialise the third guard countdown timer.
6A39 SLA H Double HL again.
6A3B LD ($6DAC),HL Initialise the fourth guard countdown timer.
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