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This routine is not used in the standard Spectrum but the code allows for a system reset to occur following activation of the NMI line. The system variable at 5CB0, named here NMIADD, has to have the value zero for the reset to occur.
RESET 00102 PUSH AF Save the current values held in these registers.
00103 PUSH HL
00104 LD HL,(23728) The two bytes of NMIADD must both be zero for the reset to occur.
00107 LD A,H
00108 OR L
00109 JR NZ,112 Note: this should have been 'JR Z'!
00111 JP (HL) Jump to START.
NO_RESET 00112 POP HL Restore the current values to these registers and return.
00113 POP AF
00114 RETN
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