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A67A: flush BASIC stack and clear the continue pointer
Used by the routines at A43A and E37B.
A67A A2 19 LDX #$19 get the descriptor stack start
A67C 86 16 STX $16 set the descriptor stack pointer
A67E 68 PLA pull the return address low byte
A67F A8 TAY copy it
A680 68 PLA pull the return address high byte
A681 A2 FA LDX #$FA set the cleared stack pointer
A683 9A TXS set the stack
A684 48 PHA push the return address high byte
A685 98 TYA restore the return address low byte
A686 48 PHA push the return address low byte
A687 A9 00 LDA #$00 clear A
A689 85 3E STA $3E clear the continue pointer high byte
A68B 85 10 STA $10 clear the subscript/FNX flag
This entry point is used by the routines at A65E and A69C.
A68D 60 RTS
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