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B7F7: convert FAC_1 to integer in temporary integer
Used by the routines at B7EB, B80D and E12A.
B7F7 A5 66 LDA $66 get FAC1 sign
B7F9 30 9D BMI $B798 if -ve do illegal quantity error then warm start
B7FB A5 61 LDA $61 get FAC1 exponent
B7FD C9 91 CMP #$91 compare with exponent = 2^16
B7FF B0 97 BCS $B798 if >= do illegal quantity error then warm start
B801 20 9B BC JSR $BC9B convert FAC1 floating to fixed
B804 A5 64 LDA $64 get FAC1 mantissa 3
B806 A4 65 LDY $65 get FAC1 mantissa 4
B808 84 14 STY $14 save temporary integer low byte
B80A 85 15 STA $15 save temporary integer high byte
B80C 60 RTS
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