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EDEF: command serial bus to UNTALK
Used by the routines at F333, F4A5 and FFAB.
EDEF 78 SEI disable the interrupts
EDF0 20 8E EE JSR $EE8E set the serial clock out low
EDF3 AD 00 DD LDA $DD00 read VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
EDF6 09 08 ORA #%00001000 mask xxxx 1xxx, set the serial ATN low
EDF8 8D 00 DD STA $DD00 save VIA 2 DRA, serial port and video address
EDFB A9 5F LDA #$5F set the UNTALK command
EDFD .BYTE $2C makes next line BIT $3FA9
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