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FE07: read I/O status word
Used by the routine at FFB7.
FE07 A5 BA LDA $BA get the device number
FE09 C9 02 CMP #$02 compare device with RS232 device
FE0B D0 0D BNE $FE1A if not RS232 device go ??
get RS232 device status
FE0D AD 97 02 LDA $0297 get the RS232 status register
FE10 48 PHA save the RS232 status value
FE11 A9 00 LDA #$00 clear A
FE13 8D 97 02 STA $0297 clear the RS232 status register
FE16 68 PLA restore the RS232 status value
FE17 60 RTS
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