Prev: $13F3 Up: Map Next: $1445
$1421: Copy a blackboard buffer into page 0
Used by the routines at $1468 and $176F.
Y Blackboard identifier (0, 1, 2)
$1421 JSR $13D5 Determine the address of the blackboard buffer and store it at $17.
$1424 LDY #$00 Copy the first byte of the blackboard buffer to $19.
$1426 LDA ($17),Y
$1428 STA $19
$142A INY Copy the second byte of the blackboard buffer to $1A.
$142B LDA ($17),Y
$142D STA $1A
$142F INY Copy the third byte of the blackboard buffer to $DF.
$1430 LDA ($17),Y
$1432 STA $DF
$1434 INY Copy the fourth byte of the blackboard buffer to $E0.
$1435 LDA ($17),Y
$1437 STA $E0
$1439 INY Copy the fifth byte of the blackboard buffer to $E1.
$143A LDA ($17),Y
$143C STA $E1
$143E INY Copy the sixth byte of the blackboard buffer to $E2.
$143F LDA ($17),Y
$1441 STA $E2
$1443 INY Now Y=6. This instruction is redundant.
$1444 RTS
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