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$41E1: Command list $AA: Dinner - EINSTEIN/little boy
This corresponds to $FCF9 in the ZX Spectrum version.
Used by little boy no. 1, little boy no. 2, little boy no. 3, little boy no. 4, little boy no. 5, little boy no. 6, little boy no. 7, little boy no. 8, little boy no. 9, little boy no. 10, little boy no. 11 and EINSTEIN in lessons $E0 and $E1.
$41E1 .WORD $12B5 Go to...
$41E3 .BYTE $2E,$11 ...the dinner hall.
$41E5 .WORD $1A04 Move about until...
$41E7 .BYTE $00 ...the bell rings.
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