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$4440: Staircase endpoint data table 1
Used by the routine at $12B5 when the region identifier for the character's current location (C) is less than the destination region identifier. The second staircase endpoint data table is at $4454.
The first entry is used when C=0, which means the character is on the top floor, to the left of the Map Room wall.
$4440 .BYTE $0D x-coordinate of the top of the stairs leading down from the head's study.
$4441 .BYTE $80 Direction indicator: face right.
$4442 .WORD $13F3 Guide the character down the staircase.
The second entry is used when C=1, which means the character is on the middle floor, to the left of the Exam Room wall.
$4444 .BYTE $0D x-coordinate of the top of the stairs leading down from the staff room.
$4445 .BYTE $80 Direction indicator: face right.
$4446 .WORD $13F3 Guide the character down the staircase.
The third entry is used when C=2, which means the character is on the bottom floor.
$4448 .BYTE $46 x-coordinate of the bottom of the stairs leading up to the Exam Room.
$4449 .BYTE $80 Direction indicator: face right.
$444A .WORD $13FA Guide the character up the staircase.
The fourth entry is used when C=3, which means the character is on the middle floor, to the right of the Exam Room wall.
$444C .BYTE $46 x-coordinate of the bottom of the stairs leading up from the Exam Room.
$444D .BYTE $80 Direction indicator: face right.
$444E .WORD $13FA Guide the character up the staircase.
The fifth entry is unused (C cannot be 4).
$4450 .BYTE $00
$4451 .BYTE $00
$4452 .BYTE $00,$00
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