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6464: Guide a character from the bottom floor to another floor
Used by the routine at 63BE when the character under consideration is on the bottom floor but is destined for another floor.
BC 633C
E Character's x-coordinate
H Character number (0x98-0xA9)
L 0x65
6464 LD A,(HL) A=destination y-coordinate
6465 CP $A2 Set the zero flag if the character is going to the middle floor
6467 LD A,$26 This is the x-coordinate of the wall between the White and Exam Rooms
6469 JR Z,$646D Jump if the character is going to the middle floor
646B LD A,$39 This is the x-coordinate of the wall between the Map and Reading Rooms
646D INC L Set the carry flag if the character is destined for some place to the right of the wall referred to by A
646E CP (HL)
646F LD A,$46 This is the x-coordinate of the bottoms of the staircases at the right of the skool
6471 JR C,$6475 Jump if the character must go to a staircase on the right
6473 LD A,$13 This is the x-coordinate of the bottoms of the staircases at the left of the skool
6475 CP E Is the character at the bottom of the staircase he must climb?
6476 JP NZ,$641B Jump if not (to send the character there)
6479 LD L,$60 Byte 0x60 of the character's buffer holds his animatory state
647B BIT 0,(HL) Is the character midstride?
647D JP NZ,$641B Jump if so (to finish the stride)
6480 CP $30 Is the character at the bottom of a staircase at the right of the skool?
6482 JR NC,$648B Jump if so
6484 BIT 7,(HL) Is the character facing right?
6486 JP NZ,$640F Turn him round if so
6489 JR $6490
648B BIT 7,(HL) Is the character facing left?
648D JP Z,$640F Turn him round if so
6490 LD C,$8C Set BC=638C (guide character up stairs) and place this interruptible subcommand routine address into bytes 0x69 and 0x6A of the character's buffer
6492 JP $6419
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