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6A6E: Make little boy no. 1 go to a place at random and trip people up on the way
Used by command list 0xCC (which is used only by little boy no. 1).
H 0x98 (little boy no. 1)
L 0x7A
6A6E LD A,(HL) Reset bit 6 (do not walk slowly continuously) and bit 7 (walk fast) and set bit 5 (walk fast continuously) of byte 0x7A of little boy no. 1's buffer
6A6F AND $1F
6A71 ADD A,$20
6A73 LD (HL),A
6A74 LD L,$7C Place the address of the continual subcommand routine at 69F6 into bytes 0x7C and 0x7D of little boy no. 1's buffer
6A76 LD (HL),$F6
6A78 INC L
6A79 LD (HL),$69
6A7B JP $69EB Make little boy no. 1 go to a random location
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