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6DEF: Check whether a shield has been hit
Used by the routine at 6DC6. Returns with the carry flag set if a shield was hit (either by a catapult pellet or by ERIC while jumping).
D Target y-coordinate
E 128 + target x-coordinate
6DEF LD A,($7FEA) 7FEA holds the game mode indicator
6DF2 RRCA Are the shields hittable at the moment?
6DF3 RET NC Return if not (it's either demo mode, or ERIC's looking for the safe combination)
6DF4 RRCA Now bit 7 of C is reset if we're in 'flash the shields' mode, or set if in 'unflash the shields' mode
6DF6 LD B,$0A 100 points for hitting a shield on the top floor
6DF8 LD A,D A=y-coordinate of the potential target
6DF9 CP $9A This is the y-coordinate of the shields on the top floor
6DFB JR Z,$6E0B Jump if the pellet or ERIC's hand is at shield-height on the top floor
6DFD CP $A0 This is the y-coordinate of the shields on the middle floor
6DFF LD B,$14 200 points for hitting a shield on the middle floor
6E01 JR Z,$6E0B Jump if the pellet or ERIC's hand is at shield-height on the middle floor
6E03 LD B,$28 400 points for hitting a shield on the bottom floor
6E05 CP $A6 This is the y-coordinate of the shields on the bottom floor
6E07 JR Z,$6E0B Jump if the pellet or ERIC's hand is at shield-height on the bottom floor
6E09 AND A Reset the carry flag to indicate that no shield was hit
The pellet or ERIC's hand is at the right height to hit a shield. Is it at the right x-coordinate?
6E0B CALL $F4D2 Is the potential target on-screen?
6E0F RET NC Return with the carry flag reset if not
6E10 LD A,(DE) A=attribute of the potential target
6E11 AND $38 Return if the potential target is drawn in black paper or black ink (which is normally true only if it's not a shield, but is also true if a speech bubble has been drawn over a shield; in this case, the routine exits here, which is a bug)
6E13 RET Z
6E14 LD A,(DE)
6E15 AND $07
6E17 RET Z
6E18 LD A,(DE) A=attribute of the shield
6E19 XOR C Check whether we should make the shields flash or not flash, and return unless the flash status of the shield should be toggled
6E1C LD A,(DE) A=attribute of the shield
6E1D XOR $80 Toggle the FLASH status of the shield
6E1F LD (DE),A Insert the new attribute byte into the skool graphic data
6E20 LD (HL),A Apply the new attribute on-screen
6E21 LD A,B A=10 (top floor), 20 (middle) or 40 (bottom)
6E22 CALL $6AFD Add 100, 200 or 400 to the score and print it
6E25 CALL $E4EC Play the 'hit a shield' sound effect
6E28 LD HL,$7FEB 7FEB holds the shield counter
6E2B DEC (HL) One more shield hit
6E2C SCF Set the carry flag to indicate that a shield was hit
6E2D RET NZ Return unless the last shield was hit
6E2E CALL $F8B4 All the shields have been hit; take appropriate action
6E31 SCF Set the carry flag to indicate that a shield was hit
6E32 RET
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