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7940: Print the lesson
Used by the routine at F9A5. Prints the lesson (or DINNER or PLAYTIME) in the lesson box.
7940 LD A,($7FF4) Pick up the lesson descriptor from 7FF4
7943 AND $07 Keep only the 'room' bits (bits 0-2)
7945 CP $05 Set the zero flag if this period is REVISION LIBRARY, and set the carry flag if this is a classroom period
7947 LD DE,$ED30 Point DE at the appropriate spot in the lesson box graphic buffer (at ED00) for the first line of text
794A LD HL,$DA89 DA89=' ' (single space)
794D JR NZ,$7951 Jump if this period is not REVISION LIBRARY
794F LD L,$80 HL=DA80: 'REVISION'
7951 JR NC,$7964 Jump if this is REVISION LIBRARY, DINNER or PLAYTIME
This period takes place in a classroom. With which teacher?
7953 LD A,($7FF4) Pick up the lesson descriptor from 7FF4
7956 AND $F0 Keep only the 'teacher' bits (bits 4-7)
7958 LD L,A Point HL at the appropriate teacher's name: D9B8 (MR WACKER), D9C6 (MR ROCKITT), D9D4 (MR WITHIT), or D9E2 (MR CREAK)
7959 RRCA
795C LD H,A
795D LD A,L
795E SUB H
795F ADD A,$B8
7961 LD L,A
7962 LD H,$D9
7964 CALL $755A Write the first line of text (' ', 'REVISION' or the teacher's name) into the lesson box graphic buffer
7967 LD A,($7FF4) Pick up the lesson descriptor from 7FF4
796A AND $07 Keep only the 'room' bits (bits 0-2)
796C ADD A,A Point HL at the appropriate room name: DA90 (READING ROOM), DAA0 (MAP ROOM), DAB0 (WHITE ROOM), DAC0 (EXAM ROOM), DAE0 (DINNER), or DAF0 (PLAYTIME)
796D ADD A,A
796E ADD A,A
796F ADD A,A
7970 ADD A,$80
7972 LD L,A
7973 LD H,$DA
This entry point is also used by the routine at F9A5.
7975 LD DE,$ED80 Point DE at the appropriate spot in the lesson box graphic buffer (at ED00) for the second line of text
7978 CALL $755A Write the second line of text into the buffer
797B LD HL,$ED00 Point HL at the start of the lesson box graphic buffer
797E LD DE,$5AAC Set DE to the attribute file address for the lesson box
7981 JP $7519 Copy the lesson box graphic buffer to the screen
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