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Routines |
Prev: 7DD4 | Up: Map | Next: 7DEA |
Used by the routine at 7302. Slides the current contents of the top or bottom half of the speech bubble text window one pixel to the left, and places the new pixel column (4 pixels high) into the slot freed up on the right.
7DD8 | LD B,$04 | There are four pixel rows to slide left | ||||||||
7DDA | PUSH BC | Save the pixel row counter | ||||||||
7DDB | LD C,L | Save L in C briefly | ||||||||
7DDC | LD B,$06 | The text window is six bytes wide | ||||||||
7DDE | RLCA | Push a pixel into the carry flag | ||||||||
7DDF | RL (HL) | Slide this pixel into a row of the text window | ||||||||
7DE1 | DEC HL | |||||||||
7DE2 | DJNZ $7DDF | |||||||||
7DE4 | LD L,C | Restore L | ||||||||
7DE5 | POP BC | Restore the pixel row counter to B | ||||||||
7DE6 | INC H | Move to the next row of pixels | ||||||||
7DE7 | DJNZ $7DDA | Jump back until all four rows of pixels have been done | ||||||||
7DE9 | RET |
Prev: 7DD4 | Up: Map | Next: 7DEA |