Skool macros

Skool files and ref files may contain skool macros that are ‘expanded’ to an appropriate piece of HTML markup (when rendering in HTML mode), or to an appropriate piece of plain text (when rendering in ASM mode).


Skool macros have the following general form:



  • MACRO is the macro name

  • ri1, ri2 etc. are required integer parameters

  • oi1, oi2 etc. are optional integer parameters

  • rs1, rs2 etc. are required string parameters

  • os1, os2 etc. are optional string parameters

If an optional parameter is left blank or omitted entirely, it assumes its default value. So, for example:


is equivalent to:




is equivalent to:


Numeric parameters

Numeric parameters may be written in decimal notation:


or in hexadecimal notation (prefixed by $):


Wherever a sequence of numeric parameters appears in a macro, that sequence may optionally be enclosed in parentheses: ( and ). Parentheses are generally recommended - especially when there are two or more parameters - in order to unambiguously separate the numeric parameters from any content that follows them. Parentheses are required if any numeric parameter is written as an expression containing arithmetic operations, skool macros or replacement fields:


The following operators are permitted in an arithmetic expression:

  • arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, % (modulo), ** (power)

  • bitwise operators: & (AND), | (OR), ^ (XOR)

  • bit shift operators: >>, <<

  • Boolean operators: && (and), || (or)

  • comparison operators: ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=

Parentheses and spaces are also permitted in an arithmetic expression:

#IF(1 == 2 || (1 <= 2 && 2 < 3))(Yes,No)

String parameters

Where a macro requires a single string parameter consisting of arbitrary text, it must be enclosed in parentheses, square brackets or braces:


If text contains unbalanced brackets, a non-whitespace character that is not present in text may be used as an alternative delimiter. For example:


Where a macro requires multiple string parameters consisting of arbitrary text, they must be enclosed in parentheses, square brackets or braces and be separated by commas:


When a comma-separated sequence of string parameters is split, any commas that appear between parentheses are retained. For example, the string parameters of the outer #FOR macro in:


are split into n, #FOR(0,1)(m,(n,m),;) and ;, and the string parameters of the inner #FOR macro are split into m, (n,m), and ;.

Alternatively, an arbitrary delimiter - d, which cannot be whitespace - and separator - s, which can be whitespace - may be used. (They can be the same character.) The string parameters must open with ds, be separated by s, and close with sd. For example:

| different delimiter and separator |

Note that if an alternative delimiter or separator is used, it must not be ‘&’, ‘<’ or ‘>’.

Changed in version 6.4: When a comma-separated sequence of string parameters is split, any commas that appear between parentheses are retained.

Replacement fields

The following replacement fields are available for use in the integer parameters of the @if directive and every skool macro (including macros defined by #DEF), and also in the string parameters of some macros:

  • asm - 1 if in @isub mode, 2 if in @ssub mode, 3 if in @rsub mode, or 0 otherwise

  • base - 10 if the --decimal option is used with or, 16 if the --hex option is used, or 0 if neither option is used

  • case - 1 if the --lower option is used with or, 2 if the --upper option is used, or 0 if neither option is used

  • cfg - a dictionary of skool macro configuration parameters

  • fix - 1 if in @ofix mode, 2 if in @bfix mode, 3 if in @rfix mode, or 0 otherwise

  • html - 1 if in HTML mode, 0 otherwise

  • mode - a dictionary containing a copy of the asm, base, case, fix and html fields

  • sim - a dictionary of register values populated by the #SIM macro

  • vars - a dictionary of variables defined by the --var option of or; accessing an undefined variable in this dictionary yields the integer value ‘0’

Replacement fields for the variables defined by the #LET macro are also available. Note that the #LET macro can change the values of the asm, base, case, fix and html fields, but their original values are always available in the mode dictionary.

For example:


expands to hl if in lower case mode, or HL otherwise.

Note that if a replacement field is used, the parameter string must be enclosed in parentheses.

Changed in version 9.4: Added the cfg dictionary.

Changed in version 8.7: Added the sim dictionary.

Changed in version 8.2: Added the mode dictionary.

Changed in version 6.4: The asm replacement field indicates the exact ASM mode; added the fix and vars replacement fields.

Configuration parameters

The cfg dictionary contains skool macro configuration parameters. Recognised parameter names are:

  • poke - the format used for a single POKE by the POKEname special variable of the #FOREACH macro (default: POKE {addr},{byte})

  • pokes - the format used for a contiguous range of POKEs by the POKEname special variable of the #FOREACH macro (default: FOR n={start} TO {end}: POKE n,{byte}: NEXT n)

  • pokes-step - the format used for a range of POKEs with a STEP value by the POKEname special variable of the #FOREACH macro (default: FOR n={start} TO {end} STEP {step}: POKE n,{byte}: NEXT n)

To set the value of a configuration parameter, use the #LET macro with the following special syntax:


For example, to set the poke parameter to use hexadecimal values:

#LET(cfg[poke]=POKE ${addr:04X},${byte:02X})

Parameter values may also contain skool macros:

#LET(cfg[pokes]=#FOR({start},{end})//a/POKE a,{byte}/: //)

This would make the POKEname special variable emit a sequence of POKE statements separated by colons instead of a FOR loop.

SMPL macros

The macros described in this section constitute the Skool Macro Programming Language (SMPL). They can be used to programmatically specify values in the parameter string of any macro.


The #() macro expands the skool macros in its sole string parameter.


It takes effect only when it immediately follows the opening token of another skool macro, and is expanded before that macro. For example:


This instance of the #() macro expands the #FOR macro first, giving:


It then expands the #PEEK macros, ultimately forming the parameters of the #UDGARRAY macro.

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the text parameter. Note that if an alternative delimiter is used, it must not be an alphanumeric character (A-Z, a-z, 0-9).


The #DEF macro defines a new skool macro.

#DEF[flags](#MACRO[(ia[=i0],ib[=i1]...)[(sa[=s0],sb[=s1]...)]] body)
  • flags controls various options (see below)

  • MACRO is the macro name (which must be all upper case letters)

  • ia[=i0], ib[=i1] etc. are the integer parameter names and optional default values; the parameter names must consist of lower case letters only

  • sa[=s0], sb[=s1] etc. are the string parameter names and optional default values

  • body is the body of the macro definition, which may contain placeholders ($var, ${var} - when flags is 0) or replacement fields ({var} - when flags is 1) representing the integer and string argument values

flags is the sum of the following values, chosen according to the desired outcome:

  • 1 - use replacement fields (e.g. {var}) instead of $-placeholders ($var, ${var}) to represent the defined macro’s argument values

  • 2 - strip leading and trailing whitespace from the output of the defined macro whenever it is expanded

For example:

#DEF(#MIN(a,b) #IF($a<$b)($a,$b))

This defines a #MIN macro that accepts two integer arguments and expands to the value of the smaller argument.

Default values for the defined macro’s optional integer parameters can be specified in the macro’s signature. For example:

#DEF(#PROD(a,b=1,c=1) #EVAL($a*$b*$c))

This defines a #PROD macro that accepts one, two or three integer arguments, the second and third of which default to 1, and expands to the product of all three arguments.

Default values for the defined macro’s optional string parameters can also be specified in the macro’s signature, and their default values may refer to the integer argument values. For example:

#DEF(#NUM(a)(s=$a) $s)

This defines a #NUM macro that accepts one integer argument and an optional string argument. It expands either to the integer argument, or to the string argument if provided. So #NUM15 expands to ‘15’, and #NUM15($0F) expands to ‘$0F’.

If flags is odd (bit 0 set), replacement fields are used instead of $-placeholders to represent the defined macro’s argument values. The main advantage of using replacement fields is that Python string formatting options can be used on the argument values. For example:

#DEF1(#HEX(n) {n:04X})

This defines a #HEX macro that formats its sole integer argument as a 4-digit upper case hexadecimal number.

However, when using replacement fields, care must be taken to escape any field that doesn’t represent an argument value. For example:

#DEF1(#ADD(amount) #LET(count={{count}}+{amount}))

This defines a variable named count, and an #ADD macro that increases its value by a given amount. Note how the replacement field for the count variable in the body of the macro definition is escaped: {{count}}.

If bit 1 of flags is set, the defined macro will be expanded, in isolation from any surrounding content, as soon as it is encountered. For that to work, the macro definition must be entirely self-contained, i.e. it must not depend on any surrounding content in order to be syntactically correct. For example, if the #IFZERO macro is defined thus:

#DEF2(#IFZERO(n) #IF($n==0))

then any attempt to expand an #IFZERO macro will lead to an error message about the #IF macro having no output strings. To fix this, either reset bit 1 of flags, or redefine #IFZERO with the output strings included in the definition:

#DEF2(#IFZERO(n)(a,b) #IF($n==0)($a,$b))

For more examples, see Defining macros with #DEF.

Note that if a string parameter of a defined macro is optional, that argument will take its default value only if it is omitted; if instead it is left blank, it takes the value of the empty string.

In general, the string arguments of a defined macro may be supplied between alternative delimiters (see String parameters) if desired. However, if every string parameter of the defined macro is optional, the string arguments must be either omitted entirely or provided between parentheses (and therefore separated by commas). This allows a macro with all of its optional string arguments omitted to be immediately followed by some character other than an opening parenthesis without that character being interpreted as an alternative delimiter.

To define a macro that will be available for use immediately anywhere in the skool file or ref files, consider using the @expand directive, or the Expand parameter in the [Config] section.

The flags parameter of the #DEF macro may contain replacement fields.

The integer parameters of a macro defined by #DEF may contain replacement fields, and may also be supplied via keyword arguments.




Added the flags parameter, the ability to use replacement fields to represent the defined macro’s argument values, and the ability to strip whitespace from the defined macro’s output




The #EVAL macro expands to the value of an arithmetic expression.

  • expr is the arithmetic expression

  • base is the number base in which the value is expressed: 2, 10 (the default) or 16

  • width is the minimum number of digits in the output (default: 1); the value will be padded with leading zeroes if necessary

For example:

; The following mask byte is #EVAL(#PEEK29435,2,8).
 29435 DEFB 62

This instance of the #EVAL macro expands to ‘00111110’ (62 in binary).

The parameter string of the #EVAL macro may contain replacement fields.




Added support for replacement fields in the parameter string


Hexadecimal values are rendered in lower case when the --lower option is used




The #FOR macro expands to a sequence of strings based on a range of integers.

  • start is first integer in the range

  • stop is the final integer in the range

  • step is the gap between each integer in the range (default: 1)

  • flags controls whether to affix commas to or replace variable names in each separator (see below)

  • var is the variable name; for each integer in the range, it evaluates to that integer

  • string is the output string that is evaluated for each integer in the range; wherever the variable name (var) appears, its value is substituted

  • sep is the separator placed between each output string (default: the empty string); this may be modified depending on the value of flags

  • fsep is the separator placed between the final two output strings (default: sep)

flags is the sum of the following values, chosen according to the desired outcome:

  • 1 - prefix each separator (sep) with a comma

  • 2 - suffix each separator (sep) with a comma

  • 4 - replace any variable name (var) in each separator (sep) with the variable value

For example:

; The next three bytes (#FOR31734,31736,,1(n,#PEEKn, , and )) define the
; item locations.
 31734 DEFB 24,17,156

This instance of the #FOR macro expands to ‘24, 17 and 156’.

The integer parameters of the #FOR macro (start, stop, step, flags) may contain replacement fields.

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the var, string, sep and fsep parameters.




Added the flags parameter


Added support for replacement fields in the integer parameters




The #FOREACH macro expands to a sequence of output strings based on a sequence of input strings.



  • s1, s2 etc. are the input strings

  • svar is a special variable that expands to a specific sequence of input strings (see below)

  • var is the variable name; for each input string, it evaluates to that string

  • string is the output string that is evaluated for each input string; wherever the variable name (var) appears, its value is substituted

  • sep is the separator placed between each output string (default: the empty string)

  • fsep is the separator placed between the final two output strings (default: sep)

For example:

; The next three bytes (#FOREACH(31734,31735,31736)||n|#PEEKn|, | and ||)
; define the item locations.
 31734 DEFB 24,17,156

This instance of the #FOREACH macro expands to ‘24, 17 and 156’.

The #FOREACH macro recognises certain special variables, each one of which expands to a specific sequence of strings. The special variables are:

  • ENTRY[types] - the addresses of every entry of the specified type(s) in the memory map; if types is not given, every type is included

  • EREFaddr - the addresses of the routines that jump to or call a given instruction (at addr)

  • POKEname - the POKEs made by the #POKES macro on the named snapshot created by the #PUSHS macro

  • REFaddr - the addresses of the routines that jump to or call a given routine (at addr), or jump to or call any entry point within that routine

For example:

; The messages can be found at #FOREACH(ENTRYt)||n|n|, | and ||.

This instance of the #FOREACH macro expands to a list of the addresses of the entries of type t (text).

The format of an item produced by POKEname depends on the values of the length and step parameters of the corresponding #POKES macro. For example:

  • #POKES30000,1 gives ‘POKE 30000,1’

  • #POKES30000,1,2 gives ‘FOR n=30000 TO 30001: POKE n,1: NEXT n’

  • #POKES30000,1,2,3 gives ‘FOR n=30000 TO 30003 STEP 3: POKE n,1: NEXT n’

The format of these items can be changed by setting the poke, pokes and pokes-step configuration parameters.

To specify a subset of the POKEs in a list, use either an index parameter, or start and stop parameters separated by a colon, enclosed in square brackets and appended to name. As with Python sequences, these parameters are 0-based, and the start and stop parameters are optional, so:

  • POKEname[1] yields the second POKE in the list

  • POKEname[1:3] yields the second and third POKEs in the list

  • POKEname[1:] yields all POKEs in the list except the first

  • POKEname[:3] yields the first three POKEs in the list

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the s1,s2,... and var,string[,sep,fsep] parameter strings.




Added support for the POKEname special variable




The #FORMAT macro performs a Python-style string formatting operation on its string argument.

  • case is 1 to convert the formatted string to lower case, 2 to convert it to upper case, or 0 to leave it alone (the default)

  • text is the string to format

For example:


This instance of the #FORMAT macro formats the value of the count variable (assuming it has already been defined by the #LET macro) as a 4-digit upper case hexadecimal number prefixed by ‘0x’.

Note that if text could be read as an integer parameter, case should be explicitly specified in order to prevent text from being interpreted as the case parameter. For example:


Alternatively, the #EVAL macro may be a better option for formatting a pure numeric value.

The parameters of the #FORMAT macro may contain replacement fields.

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the text parameter.




Added the case parameter




The #IF macro expands to an arbitrary string based on the truth value of an arithmetic expression.

  • expr is the arithmetic expression, which may contain replacement fields

  • true is the output string when expr is true

  • false is the output string when expr is false (default: the empty string)

For example:

; #FOR0,7(n,#IF(#PEEK47134 & 2**(7-n))(X,O))
 47134 DEFB 170

This instance of the #IF macro is used (in combination with a #FOR macro and a #PEEK macro) to display the contents of the address 47134 in the memory snapshot in binary format with ‘X’ for one and ‘O’ for zero: XOXOXOXO.

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the true and false output strings.




Added support for replacement fields in the expr parameter




The #LET macro defines an integer, string or dictionary variable.

The syntax for defining an integer or string variable is:

  • name is the variable name

  • value is the value to assign; this may contain skool macros (which are expanded immediately) and replacement fields (which are replaced after any skool macros have been expanded)

If name ends with a dollar sign ($), value is interpreted as a string. Otherwise value is evaluated as an arithmetic expression.

For example:


These #LET macros assign the integer value ‘4’ to the variable count and the string value ‘2*2’ to the variable count$. The variables are then accessible to other macros via the replacement fields {count} and {count$}.

The syntax for defining a dictionary variable is:

  • name is the dictionary variable name

  • default is the default value (used when a key is not found in the dictionary)

  • k1:v1, k2:v2 etc. are the key-value pairs in the dictionary

The keys in a dictionary are integers, and the associated values are strings if name ends with a dollar sign, or integers otherwise. If the value part of a key-value pair is omitted, it defaults to the key.

For example:


The first #LET macro defines the dictionary variable n with default integer value 0, and keys ‘1’ and ‘2’ mapping to the integer values 10 and 20. The values in this dictionary are accessible to other macros via the replacement fields {n[1]} and {n[2]}.

The second #LET macro defines the dictionary variable d$ with default string value ‘?’, and keys ‘1’ and ‘2’ mapping to the string values ‘a’ and ‘b’. The values in this dictionary are accessible to other macros via the replacement fields {d$[1]} and {d$[2]}.

An individual key-value pair in a dictionary can be set by using the following syntax:


Here key is the integer key, which may be expressed using skool macros and replacement fields.

The #LET macro may also be used to set skool macro configuration parameter values.

To define a variable that will be available for use immediately anywhere in the skool file or ref files, consider using the @expand directive.

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the entire name=value parameter string, or the part after the equals sign when defining a dictionary variable.




Added the ability to set individual key-value pairs in dictionary variables


Added the ability to define dictionary variables




The #MAP macro expands to a value from a map of key-value pairs whose keys are integers.

  • key is the integer to look up in the map; this parameter may contain replacement fields

  • default is the default output string (used when key is not found in the map)

  • k1:v1, k2:v2 etc. are the key-value pairs in the map

For example:

; The next three bytes specify the directions that are available from here:
; #FOR56112,56114,,1(q,#MAP(#PEEKq)(?,0:left,1:right,2:up,3:down), , and ).
 56112 DEFB 0,1,3

This instance of the #MAP macro is used (in combination with a #FOR macro and a #PEEK macro) to display a list of directions available based on the contents of addresses 56112-56114: ‘left, right and down’.

Note that the keys (k1, k2 etc.) may be expressed using arithmetic operations. They may also be expressed using skool macros, but in that case the entire parameter string of the #MAP macro must be enclosed by a #() macro.

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the default output string and the key-value pairs.




Added support for replacement fields in the key parameter




The #PC macro expands to the address of the closest instruction in the current entry.


For example:

c32768 XOR A ; This instruction is at #PC.

This instance of the #PC macro expands to ‘32768’.

In an entry header (i.e. title, description, register description or start comment), the #PC macro expands to the address of the first instruction in the entry. In a mid-block comment, the #PC macro expands to the address of the following instruction. In an instruction-level comment, the #PC macro expands to the address of the instruction. In a block end comment, the #PC macro expands to the address of the last instruction in the entry.






The #PEEK macro expands to the contents of an address in the internal memory snapshot constructed from the contents of the skool file.


For example:

; At the start of the game, the number of lives remaining is #PEEK33879.

This instance of the #PEEK macro expands to the contents of the address 33879 in the internal memory snapshot.

See also #POKES.




Added support for replacement fields in the addr parameter




The #STR macro expands to the text string at a given address in the memory snapshot.

  • addr is the address of the first character in the string

  • flags indicates operations to be performed on the string (default: 0)

  • length is the number of characters in the string; if -1 (the default), the string ends immediately before the first zero byte, or on the first byte that has bit 7 set (bit 7 of that byte will be reset before converting it to a character), or when end evaluates to true

  • end is an arithmetic expression that identifies the end marker byte for the string (when bit 3 of flags is set)

flags is the sum of the following values, chosen according to the desired outcome:

  • 1 - strip trailing whitespace from the string

  • 2 - strip leading whitespace from the string

  • 4 - replace each sequence of N>=2 spaces in the string with #SPACE(N) (see #SPACE)

  • 8 - use the end parameter to determine where the string ends

When bit 3 of flags is set, end is evaluated for each byte encountered, and if the result is true, the string is terminated. end may contain the placeholder $b for the current byte value.

For example:

; The messages here are '#STR47154', '#STR47158' and '#STR47161,8($b==255)'.
 47154 DEFM "One",0
 47158 DEFM "Tw","o"+128
 47161 DEFM "Three",255

These instances of the #STR macro expand to ‘One’, ‘Two’ and ‘Three’.

The parameters of the #STR macro may contain replacement fields.






The #WHILE macro repeatedly expands macros while a conditional expression is true.

  • expr is the conditional expression

  • body is the text to repeatedly expand; leading and trailing whitespace are stripped from the expanded value

For example:


This instance of the #WHILE macro expands to ‘321’.

The expr parameter of the #WHILE macro may contain replacement fields.

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the body parameter.





General macros


In HTML mode, the #AUDIO macro expands to an HTML5 <audio> element.


Or, when executing code in a simulator (bit 2 of flags set):

  • flags controls various options (see below)

  • offset is the initial offset in T-states from the start of a frame (default: 0); this value affects when contention and interrupt delays (if enabled) first take effect

  • fname is the name of the audio file

  • delays is a comma-separated list of delays (in T-states) between speaker state changes; this parameter may contain skool macros (which are expanded first) and replacement fields (which are replaced after any skool macros have been expanded)

  • start is the address at which to start executing code

  • stop is the address at which to stop executing code

  • execint specifies whether to execute interrupt routines (1), or ignore interrupts (0, the default)

  • cmio specifies whether memory and I/O contention are simulated (1), or not simulated (0, the default)

flags is the sum of the following values, chosen according to the desired outcome:

  • 1 (bit 0) - modify delays to approximate the effect of running in contended memory; this increases any delays that occur during the contended period of a frame by a given factor (as specified by the ContentionBegin, ContentionEnd and ContentionFactor parameters in the [AudioWriter] section)

  • 2 (bit 1) - modify delays as if interrupts were enabled; this increases any delays that occur over a frame boundary by a given number of T-states (as specified by the InterruptDelay parameter in the [AudioWriter] section)

  • 4 (bit 2) - execute instructions from start to stop in a simulator to obtain the delays between speaker state changes

  • 8 (bit 3) - pass delays through a moving average filter; while this can produce higher quality audio (especially for multi-channel tunes), it is slower than the default sampling algorithm

If execint is set to 1, make sure that bit 1 of flags is 0, otherwise interrupt delays may be applied twice: once during execution of the code, and again in post-processing. Similarly, if cmio is set to 1, make sure that bit 0 of flags is 0, otherwise memory and I/O contention delays may be applied twice.

If fname starts with a ‘/’, the filename is taken to be relative to the root of the HTML disassembly. Otherwise the filename is taken to be relative to the audio directory (as defined by the AudioPath parameter in the [Paths] section).

If delays is specified and fname ends with ‘.wav’, a corresponding audio file in WAV format is created. Each element in delays can be an integer, a list or tuple of integers, or a list/tuple of lists/tuples of integers etc. nested to arbitrary depth, expressed as Python literals. For example:

1000, [1500]*100, [(800, 1200)*2, 900]*200

This would be flattened into a list of integers, as follows:

  • a single instance of ‘1000’

  • 100 instances of ‘1500’

  • 200 instances of the sequence ‘800, 1200, 800, 1200, 900’

The sum of this list of integers being 1131000, this would result in an audio file of duration 1131000 / 3500000 = 0.323s (assuming that no memory contention is simulated and interrupts are disabled, i.e. bits 0 and 1 of flags are reset).

The characters allowed in the delays parameter are ‘ ‘ (space), newline, the digits 0-9, and any of ,*+-%()[].

An alternative to supplying the delay values manually is to execute the code that produces the sound effect in a simulator, and let the simulator compute the delays. This can be done by setting bit 2 of flags and specifying the code to execute via the start and stop address parameters. For example:

; #AUDIO4(beep.wav)(32768,32782)
c32768 LD L,0
*32771 OUT (254),A
 32773 XOR 16
 32775 LD B,200
 32777 DJNZ 32777
 32779 DEC L
 32780 JR NZ,32771
 32782 RET

Before executing code in a simulator, the #AUDIO macro copies the simulator state as it was left by the most recent invocation of either the #AUDIO or the #SIM macro (if any).

Note that code executed by the #AUDIO macro operates directly on the internal memory snapshot, and therefore can modify it. To avoid that, use the #PUSHS and #POPS macros to operate on a copy of the snapshot.

If delays or start and stop parameters are specified, but fname does not end with ‘.wav’, no audio file is written. This enables the parameters to be kept in place as a reminder of how an original WAV file was created by the #AUDIO macro before it was converted to another format.

If neither delays nor start and stop parameters are specified, or fname does not end with ‘.wav’, the named audio file must already exist in the specified location, otherwise the <audio> element controls will not work. To make sure that a pre-built audio file is copied into the desired location when is run, it can be declared in the [Resources] section.

By default, if fname ends with ‘.wav’, but a ‘.flac’, ‘.mp3’ or ‘.ogg’ file with the same basename already exists, that file is used and no WAV file is written. This enables an original WAV file to be replaced by an alternative (compressed) version without having to modify the fname parameter of the #AUDIO macro. The alternative audio file types that the #AUDIO macro looks for before writing a WAV file are specified by the AudioFormats parameter in the [Game] section.

The integer parameters (i.e. all except fname and delays) of the #AUDIO macro may contain replacement fields.

The audio template is used to format the <audio> element.

Audio file creation can be configured via the [AudioWriter] section.




Added the cmio and execint parameters; added support for executing code in a 128K memory snapshot


Added support for passing delays through a moving average filter




The #BANK macro switches the RAM bank that is mapped to 49152-65535 (0xC000-0xFFFF) in the memory snapshot:

  • page is the page number (0-7)

For example:

; This is the UDG at 50000 in RAM bank 6: #BANK6 #UDG50000(udg)

This instance of the #BANK macro maps RAM bank 6 to 49152-65535 in preparation for creating an image of the UDG at 50000 in that RAM bank.

If the memory snapshot hasn’t already been converted from 48K to 128K by a @bank directive, it will be converted when the first #BANK macro in the skool file is expanded.






In HTML mode, the #CALL macro expands to the return value of a method on the HtmlWriter class or subclass that is being used to create the HTML disassembly (as defined by the HtmlWriterClass parameter in the [Config] section of the ref file).

In ASM mode, the #CALL macro expands to the return value of a method on the AsmWriter class or subclass that is being used to generate the ASM output (as defined by the @writer ASM directive in the skool file).

  • methodName is the name of the method to call

  • args is a comma-separated list of arguments to pass to the method, which may contain replacement fields

Each argument can be expressed either as a plain value (e.g. 32768) or as a keyword argument (e.g. address=32768).

For example:

; The word at address 32768 is #CALL:word(32768).

This instance of the #CALL macro expands to the return value of the word method (on the HtmlWriter or AsmWriter subclass being used) when called with the argument 32768.

For information on writing methods that may be called by a #CALL macro, see the documentation on extending SkoolKit.




Added support for replacement fields in the args parameter


Added support for keyword arguments


Added support for arithmetic expressions and skool macros in the args parameter


Added support for ASM mode




In HTML mode, the #CHR macro expands either to a numeric character reference, or to a unicode character in the UTF-8 encoding. In ASM mode, it always expands to a unicode character in the UTF-8 encoding.

  • num is the character code

  • flags enables options that control the output (default: 0)

flags is the sum of the following values, chosen according to the desired outcome:

  • 1 - produce a character in the UTF-8 encoding instead of a numeric character reference in HTML mode

  • 2 - map character code 94 to 8593 (’↑’), 96 to 163 (’£’), and 127 to 169 (’©’), in accordance with the ZX Spectrum character set

For example:

 26751 DEFB 127   ; This is the copyright symbol: #CHR169
 26572 DEFB 127   ; This is also the copyright symbol: #CHR127,2

In HTML mode, these instances of the #CHR macro expand to ‘&#169;’. In ASM mode, they both expand to ‘©’.

The parameter string of the #CHR macro may contain replacement fields.




Added the flags parameter, the ability to use UTF-8 encoding in HTML mode, and support for mapping character codes 94, 96 and 127 to ‘↑’, ‘£’ and ‘©’


Added support for replacement fields in the parameter string


Added support for arithmetic expressions and skool macros in the parameter string




The #D macro expands to the title of an entry (a routine or data block) in the memory map.


For example:

; Now we make an indirect jump to one of the following routines:
; .
; #TABLE(default,centre)
; { =h Address | =h Description }
; { #R27126    | #D27126 }

This instance of the #D macro expands to the title of the routine at 27126.




Added support for replacement fields in the addr parameter


Added support for arithmetic expressions and skool macros in the addr parameter


The #HTML macro expands to arbitrary text (in HTML mode) or to an empty string (in ASM mode).


The #HTML macro may be used to render HTML (which would otherwise be escaped) from a skool file. For example:

; #HTML(For more information, go <a href="">here</a>.)

text may contain other skool macros, which will be expanded before rendering. For example:

; #HTML[The UDG defined here (32768) looks like this: #UDG32768,4,1]

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the text parameter. Note that if an alternative delimiter is used, it must not be an upper case letter.

See also #UDGTABLE.






In HTML mode, the #INCLUDE macro expands to the contents of one or more ref file sections. In ASM mode, it expands to an empty string.

  • paragraphs specifies how to format the contents of the ref file sections: verbatim (0 - the default), or into paragraphs (1)

  • pattern is a regular expression pattern that identifies the names of the ref file sections to include

The #INCLUDE macro can be used to insert the contents of one ref file section into another. For example:


This is the intro to the 'Routines' map page.

If pattern identifies multiple ref file sections, they are concatenated in the order in which they appear in the ref file.

The paragraphs parameter of the #INCLUDE macro may contain replacement fields.

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the pattern parameter.




Added the ability to combine multiple ref file sections


Added support for replacement fields in the paragraphs parameter




The #LIST macro marks the beginning of a list of bulleted items; LIST# is used to mark the end. Between these markers, the list items are defined.

  • class is the CSS class to use for the <ul> element

  • bullet is the bullet character to use in ASM mode

  • flag is the wrap flag (see below)

Each item in a list must start with { followed by a space, and end with } preceded by a space.

For example:

; #LIST(data)
; { Item 1 }
; { Item 2 }

This list has two items, and will have the CSS class ‘data’.

In ASM mode, lists are rendered as plain text, with each item on its own line, and an asterisk as the bullet character. The bullet character can be changed for all lists by using a @set directive to set the bullet property, or it can be changed for a specific list by setting the bullet parameter.

The wrap flag (flag), if present, determines how will write list items when reading from a control file. Supported values are:

  • nowrap - write each list item on a single line

  • wrapalign - wrap each list item with an indent at the start of the second and subsequent lines to maintain text alignment with the first line

By default, each list item is wrapped over multiple lines with no indent.




#LIST can be used in register descriptions in ASM mode


Added the nowrap and wrapalign flags


In ASM mode: #LIST can be used in an instruction-level comment and as a parameter of another macro; if the bullet character is an empty string, list items are no longer indented by one space; added the bullet parameter




The #N macro renders a numeric value in either decimal or hexadecimal format depending on the options used with or A hexadecimal number is rendered in lower case when the --lower option is used, or in upper case otherwise.

  • value is the numeric value

  • hwidth is the minimum number of digits printed in hexadecimal output (default: 2 for values < 256, or 4 otherwise)

  • dwidth is the minimum number of digits printed in decimal output (default: 1)

  • affix is 1 if prefix or suffix is specified, 0 if not (default: 0)

  • hex is 1 to render the value in hexadecimal format unless the --decimal option is used, or 0 to render it in decimal format unless the --hex option is used (default: 0)

  • prefix is the prefix for a hexadecimal number (default: empty string)

  • suffix is the suffix for a hexadecimal number (default: empty string)

For example:


This instance of the #N macro expands to one of the following:

  • 00015 (when --hex is not used)

  • 0x000F (when --hex is used without --lower)

  • 0x000f (when both --hex and --lower are used)

The integer parameters of the #N macro may contain replacement fields.

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the prefix and suffix parameters.




Added support for replacement fields in the integer parameters


Added the hex parameter




In HTML mode, the #R macro expands to a hyperlink (<a> element) to the disassembly page for a routine or data block, or to a line at a given address within that page.

#Raddr[@code][#name][(link text)]
  • addr is the address of the routine or data block (or entry point thereof), which may contain replacement fields

  • code is the ID of the disassembly that contains the routine or data block (if not given, the current disassembly is assumed; otherwise this must be either an ID defined in an [OtherCode:*] section of the ref file, or main to identify the main disassembly)

  • #name is the named anchor of an item on the disassembly page

  • link text is the link text to use

The disassembly ID (code) and anchor name (name) must be limited to the characters ‘$’, ‘#’, 0-9, A-Z and a-z.

If link_text is not provided, it defaults to the label for addr if one is defined, or to the address formatted according to the Address parameter in the [Game] section.

In ASM mode, the #R macro expands to the link text if it is specified, or to the label for addr, or to addr (converted to decimal or hexadecimal as appropriate) if no label is found.

For example:

; Prepare for a new game
; Used by the routine at #R25820.

In HTML mode, this instance of the #R macro expands to a hyperlink to the disassembly page for the routine at 25820.

In ASM mode, this instance of the #R macro expands to the label for the routine at 25820 (or simply 25820 if that routine has no label).

To create a hyperlink to the first instruction in a routine or data block, use an anchor that evaluates to the address of that instruction. For example:

; See the #R40000#40000(first item) in the data table at 40000.

In HTML mode, the anchor of this #R macro (40000) is converted to the format specified by the AddressAnchor parameter in the [Game] section.




In HTML mode, the link text defaults to the address formatted according to the Address parameter


Added support for replacement fields in the addr parameter


In ASM mode, addr is converted to decimal or hexadecimal as appropriate even when it refers to an unavailable instruction


An anchor that matches the entry address is converted to the format specified by the AddressAnchor parameter; added support for arithmetic expressions and skool macros in the addr parameter


Added the ability to resolve (in HTML mode) the address of an entry point in another disassembly when an appropriate remote entry is defined


Added support for the @code notation


The #RAW macro expands to the exact value of its sole string argument, leaving any other macros (or macro-like tokens) it contains unexpanded.


For example:

; See the routine at #RAW(#BEEF).

This instance of the #RAW macro expands to ‘#BEEF’.

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the text parameter. Note that if an alternative delimiter is used, it must not be an upper case letter.






In HTML mode, the #REG macro expands to a styled <span> element containing a register name or arbitrary text (with case adjusted as appropriate).


where reg is the name of the register, or:


where text is arbitrary text (e.g. hlh'l').

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the text parameter. Note that if an alternative delimiter is used, it must not be a letter.

In ASM mode, the #REG macro expands to either reg or text (with case adjusted as appropriate).

The register name (reg) must be one of the following:

a b c d e f h l
a' b' c' d' e' f' h' l'
af bc de hl
af' bc' de' hl'
ix iy ixh iyh ixl iyl
i r sp pc

For example:

 24623 LD C,31       ; #REGbc'=31




Added support for an arbitrary text parameter


Added support for the F and F’ registers


The reg parameter must be a valid register name


The #SIM macro simulates the execution of machine code in the internal memory snapshot constructed from the contents of the skool file.

  • stop is the address at which to stop execution; if not given, no code is executed

  • start is the address at which to start execution (default: stop from the previous invocation of the #SIM macro, or 0 if this is the first run)

  • clear is 0 to use the register values that resulted from the previous invocation of the #SIM macro (the default), or 1 to reset them to their default values (shown below)

  • a sets the value of the A (accumulator) register (default: 0)

  • f sets the value of the F (flags) register (default: 0)

  • bc sets the value of the BC register pair (default: 0)

  • de sets the value of the DE register pair (default: 0)

  • hl sets the value of the HL register pair (default: 0)

  • xa sets the value of the A’ (shadow accumulator) register (default: 0)

  • xf sets the value of the F’ (shadow flags) register (default: 0)

  • xbc sets the value of the shadow BC register pair (default: 0)

  • xde sets the value of the shadow DE register pair (default: 0)

  • xhl sets the value of the shadow HL register pair (default: 0)

  • ix sets the value of the IX register (default: 0)

  • iy sets the value of the IY register (default: 23610)

  • i sets the value of the I register (default: 63)

  • r sets the value of the R register (default: 0)

  • sp sets the value of the stack pointer (default: 23552)

  • execint specifies whether to execute interrupt routines (1), or ignore interrupts (0, the default)

  • tstates sets the value of the simulator’s clock (default: 0)

  • iff sets whether interrupts are disabled (0, the default) or enabled (1)

  • im sets the interrupt mode (default: 1)

  • cmio specifies whether memory and I/O contention are simulated (1), or not simulated (0, the default)

The parameters of the #SIM macro may contain replacement fields and may also be given as keyword arguments.

When execution stops, the simulator’s register values are copied to the sim dictionary, where they are accessible via replacement fields with the following names:

  • sim[A]

  • sim[F]

  • sim[BC]

  • sim[DE]

  • sim[HL]

  • sim[^A] - the shadow A register

  • sim[^F] - the shadow flags register

  • sim[^BC] - the shadow BC register pair

  • sim[^DE] - the shadow DE register pair

  • sim[^HL] - the shadow HL register pair

  • sim[IX]

  • sim[IY]

  • sim[I]

  • sim[R]

  • sim[SP]

  • sim[PC] - the program counter (equal to stop); this is used as the default value of start for the next invocation of the #SIM macro

In addition, the simulator’s hardware state is copied to the sim dictionary, where it is accessible via replacement fields with the following names:

  • sim[7ffd] - the value of the last OUT to port 0x7ffd

  • sim[ay][N] - the value of AY register N (0-15)

  • sim[fffd] - the value of the last OUT to port 0xfffd

  • sim[halted] - 1 if the simulated CPU is halted, 0 otherwise

  • sim[iff] - 0 if interrupts are disabled, 1 if they’re enabled

  • sim[im] - interrupt mode (0, 1 or 2)

  • sim[tstates] - the number of T-states elapsed

For example:

; #SIM(start=32768,stop=32772,bc=13256,de=672)
 32768 LD HL,443
 32771 ADD HL,BC
; At this point HL=#EVAL({sim[HL]}).
; #SIM(32773)
 32772 ADD HL,DE
; And now HL=#EVAL({sim[HL]}).
 32773 RET

The first #SIM macro initialises the BC and DE register pairs to 13256 and 672 respectively, starts executing code at 32768, and stops when it reaches the ‘ADD HL,DE’ instruction at 32772. The second #SIM macro picks up execution where the first left off, and stops when it reaches the ‘RET’ instruction at 32773.

After the #EVAL macros have been expanded, the second mid-block comment here is rendered as ‘At this point HL=13699’, and the third is rendered as ‘And now HL=14371’.

Note that, by default, the simulator does not simulate memory contention or I/O contention. This means that sim[tstates] may not be accurate if the code being simulated runs in or accesses contended memory, or performs I/O operations. To simulate memory and I/O contention, set the cmio parameter to 1.

If the stop parameter is not given, no code is executed, but the simulator’s registers and hardware state may be updated by providing other parameters. This technique can be used to initialise the simulator for use by the #AUDIO or #TSTATES macro.

Before executing code, the #SIM macro copies the simulator state as it was left by the most recent invocation of either the #AUDIO or the #SIM macro (if any).

Note that code executed by the #SIM macro operates directly on the internal memory snapshot, and therefore can modify it. To avoid that, use the #PUSHS and #POPS macros to operate on a copy of the snapshot.




Added the cmio, execint, iff, im and tstates parameters; added support for executing code in a 128K memory snapshot; added the 7ffd, ay, fffd, halted, iff and im fields to the sim dictionary; made the stop parameter optional




The #SPACE macro expands to one or more &#160; expressions (in HTML mode) or spaces (in ASM mode).


For example:

; '#SPACE8' (8 spaces)
t56832 DEFM "        "

In HTML mode, this instance of the #SPACE macro expands to:


In ASM mode, this instance of the #SPACE macro expands to a string containing 8 spaces.

The form SPACE([num]) may be used to distinguish the macro from adjacent text where necessary. For example:

; 'Score:#SPACE(5)0'
t49152 DEFM "Score:     0"




Added support for replacement fields in the num parameter


Added support for arithmetic expressions and skool macros in the num parameter


Added support for the #SPACE([num]) syntax


The #TABLE macro marks the beginning of a table; TABLE# is used to mark the end. Between these markers, the rows of the table are defined.

  • class is the CSS class to use for the <table> element

  • class1, class2 etc. are the CSS classes to use for the <td> elements in columns 1, 2 etc.

  • flag is the wrap flag (see below)

Each row in a table must start with { followed by a space, and end with } preceded by a space. The cells in a row must be separated by | with a space on each side.

For example:

; #TABLE(default,centre)
; { 0 | Off }
; { 1 | On }

This table has two rows and two columns, and will have the CSS class ‘default’. The cells in the first column will have the CSS class ‘centre’.

By default, cells will be rendered as <td> elements. To render a cell as a <th> element, use the =h indicator before the cell contents:

; { =h Header 1  | =h Header 2 }
; { Regular cell | Another one }

It is also possible to specify colspan and rowspan attributes using the =c and =r indicators:

; { =r2 2 rows  | X | Y }
; { =c2           2 columns }

Finally, the =t indicator makes a cell transparent (i.e. gives it the same background colour as the page body).

If a cell requires more than one indicator, separate the indicators by commas:

; { =h,c2 Wide header }
; { Column 1 | Column 2 }

The CSS files included in SkoolKit provide two classes that may be used when defining tables:

  • default - a class for <table> elements that provides a background colour to make the table stand out from the page body

  • centre - a class for <td> elements that centres their contents

In ASM mode, tables are rendered as plain text, using dashes (-) and pipes (|) for the borders, and plus signs (+) where a horizontal border meets a vertical border.

ASM mode also supports the :w indicator in the #TABLE macro’s parameters. The :w indicator marks a column as a candidate for having its width reduced (by wrapping the text it contains) so that the table will be no more than 79 characters wide when rendered. For example:

; #TABLE(default,centre,:w)
; { =h X | =h Description }
; { 0    | Text in this column will be wrapped in ASM mode to make the table less than 80 characters wide }

The wrap flag (flag), if present, determines how will write table rows when reading from a control file. Supported values are:

  • nowrap - write each table row on a single line

  • wrapalign - wrap each table row with an indent at the start of the second and subsequent lines to maintain text alignment with the rightmost column on the first line

By default, each table row is wrapped over multiple lines with no indent.

See also #UDGTABLE.




#TABLE can be used in register descriptions in ASM mode


Added the nowrap and wrapalign flags


In ASM mode, #TABLE can be used in an instruction-level comment and as a parameter of another macro


The #TSTATES macro expands to the time taken, in T-states, to execute one or more instructions.

  • start is the address of the instruction at which to start the clock

  • stop is the address of the instruction at which to stop the clock

  • flags controls various options (see below)

  • text is the text to expand to (when bit 1 of flags is set); this may contain the placeholders $min and $max for the sums of the smaller and larger timing values of the instructions in the given range, or $tstates for the actual timing value when bit 2 of flags is set

  • execint specifies whether to execute interrupt routines (1), or ignore interrupts (0, the default) when simulating code execution

  • cmio specifies whether memory and I/O contention are simulated (1), or not simulated (0, the default)

flags is the sum of the following values, chosen according to the desired outcome:

  • 1 (bit 0) - use the larger timing value for an instruction whose timing is variable

  • 2 (bit 1) - expand to text

  • 4 (bit 2) - execute instructions in a simulator to get the actual timing

For example:

c30000 LD A,1   ; This instruction takes #TSTATES30000 T-states

This instance of the #TSTATES macros expands to ‘7’.

For any instruction in the range start to stop whose timing is variable (e.g. a conditional call, return or relative jump), the smaller timing value is used by default:

c40000 RET Z    ; This instruction takes at least #TSTATES40000 T-states

This instance of the #TSTATES macros expands to ‘5’.

To use the larger timing values, set bit 0 of flags. If both smaller and larger timing values are required, set bit 1 of flags and use the text parameter:

c50000 LD B,100    ; Set the delay parameter
 50002 DJNZ 50002  ; Delay for #TSTATES50002,,2(#EVAL(99*$max+$min)) T-states

This instance of the #TSTATES macro expands to #EVAL(99*13+8), which in turn expands to ‘1295’.

Note that unless bit 2 of flags is set, only true assembly language instructions (i.e. not DEFB, DEFM, DEFS and DEFW statements) can be timed.

If bit 2 of flags is set, the stop address must be specified, and the instructions are executed in a simulator to determine their actual timing. This is useful for computing the time taken by conditional operations and operations that are repeated in a loop. For example:

c32768 LD DE,0     ; {This creates a delay of #TSTATES(32768,32776,4)
*32771 DEC DE      ; T-states
 32772 LD A,D      ;
 32773 OR E        ;
 32774 JR NZ,32771 ; }
 32776 RET

This instance of the #TSTATES macro expands to ‘1703941’.

Note that, by default, the simulator does not simulate memory contention or I/O contention. This means that the time reported by #TSTATES may not be accurate if the code being simulated runs in or accesses contended memory, or performs I/O operations. To obtain precise timing in such cases, set the cmio parameter to 1.

Before executing code in a simulator, the #TSTATES macro copies the simulator state as it was left by the most recent invocation of the #AUDIO or #SIM macro (if any).

However, unlike the #AUDIO and #SIM macros, code executed by the #TSTATES macro operates on a copy of the internal memory snapshot, and therefore does not modify it.

The integer parameters of the #TSTATES macro may contain replacement fields.

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the text parameter.

See also the #SIM macro, which can not only time instructions, but also track changes to register values as code is executed.

See also the Timings configuration parameter for, which can be used to show instruction timings in comment fields when disassembling a snapshot.




Added the cmio and execint parameters; added support for executing code in a 128K memory snapshot




The #UDGTABLE macro behaves in exactly the same way as the #TABLE macro, except that the resulting table will not be rendered in ASM mode. Its intended use is to contain images that will be rendered in HTML mode only.

See #TABLE, and also #HTML.


The #VERSION macro expands to the version of SkoolKit.






Image macros

The #COPY, #FONT, #OVER, #PLOT, #SCR, #UDG, #UDGARRAY and #UDGS macros (described in the following sections) may be used to create images based on graphic data in the memory snapshot. They are not supported in ASM mode.

Some of these macros have several numeric parameters, most of which are optional. This can give rise to a long sequence of commas in a macro parameter string, making it hard to read (and write); for example:


To alleviate this problem, the image macros accept keyword arguments at any position in the parameter string; the #UDG macro above could be rewritten as follows:



In HTML mode, the #COPY macro copies all or part of an existing frame into a new frame.

  • x and y are the coordinates of the top left tile of the existing frame to include in the new frame (default: (0, 0))

  • width and height are the width and height (in tiles) of the portion of the existing frame to copy (by default, the portion extends to the right and bottom edges of the existing frame)

  • scale is the scale of the new frame; if omitted, the scale of the existing frame is used

  • mask is the mask type of the new frame (see Masks); if omitted, the mask type of the existing frame is used

  • tindex is the index (0-15) of the entry in the palette to use as the transparent colour for the new frame (see Palette); if omitted, the transparency index of the existing frame is used

  • alpha is the alpha value (0-255) to use for the transparent colour in the new frame; if omitted, the alpha value of the existing frame is used

  • CROP is the cropping specification for the new frame (see Cropping); if omitted, the cropping specification of the existing frame is used

  • old is the name of the existing frame

  • new is the name of the new frame

For example:

; #UDGARRAY4(30000-30120-8)(*original)
; #COPY1,1,2,2(original,centre)
; #UDGARRAY*centre(img)

This instance of the #COPY macro creates a new frame from a copy of the central 2x2 portion of the 4x4 frame created by the #UDGARRAY macro. The #UDGARRAY* macro then creates an image of the new frame.

The integer parameters and the cropping specification of the #COPY macro may contain replacement fields.

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the old and new parameters.




Added the tindex and alpha parameters




In HTML mode, the #FONT macro expands to an <img> element for an image of text rendered in the game font.

  • text is the text to render (default: the 96 characters from code 32 to code 127)

  • addr is the base address of the font graphic data

  • chars is the number of characters to render (default: the length of text)

  • attr is the attribute byte to use (default: 56)

  • scale is the scale of the image (default: 2)

  • tindex is the index (0-15) of the entry in the palette to use as the transparent colour (default: 0; see Palette)

  • alpha is the alpha value (0-255) to use for the transparent colour (default: the value of the PNGAlpha parameter in the [ImageWriter] section)

  • CROP is the cropping specification (see Cropping)

  • fname is the name of the image file (see Filenames; default: ‘font’)

For example:

; Font graphic data
; #HTML[#FONT:(0123456789)49152]

In HTML mode, this instance of the #FONT macro expands to an <img> element for the image of the digits 0-9 in the 8x8 font whose graphic data starts at 49152.

The integer parameters and the cropping specification of the #FONT macro may contain replacement fields.

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the text parameter.




Added support for replacement fields in the integer parameters and the cropping specification


Added the tindex and alpha parameters


Added support for image path ID replacement fields in the fname parameter


Added support for arithmetic expressions and skool macros in the numeric parameters


Added the ability to create frames


Added the ability to specify alt text for the <img> element


Added support for keyword arguments


Added the text parameter, and made the chars parameter optional


Added image-cropping capabilities


Added the fname parameter and support for regular 8x8 fonts


In HTML mode, the #OVER macro superimposes one frame (the foreground frame) on another (the background frame).

  • x and y are the tile coordinates on the background frame at which to superimpose the foreground frame; negative coordinates are allowed

  • xoffset and yoffset are the pixel offsets by which to shift the foreground frame from the given tile coordinates (default: (0, 0))

  • rmode is the attribute and graphic byte replacement mode (see below)

  • attr is the replacement attribute byte for any background UDG over which a foreground UDG is superimposed (when rmode is 1 or 3)

  • byte is the replacement graphic byte for any background UDG over which a foreground UDG is superimposed (when rmode is 2 or 3)

  • bg is the name of the background frame

  • fg is the name of the foreground frame

rmode specifies whether and how to replace the attribute and graphic bytes of each background UDG over which a foreground UDG is superimposed:

  • 0 - leave the attribute byte unchanged and apply the foreground frame’s mask

  • 1 - replace the attribute byte with the value of attr and apply the foreground frame’s mask

  • 2 - leave the attribute byte unchanged and replace the graphic bytes with the value of byte

  • 3 - replace the attribute byte with the value of attr and replace the graphic bytes with the value of byte

attr is an expression that is evaluated once for each background UDG over which a foreground UDG is superimposed. attr may contain skool macros, and recognises the following placeholders:

  • $b - the background UDG attribute value

  • $f - the foreground UDG attribute value

byte is an expression that is evaluated once for each of the 8 graphic bytes in a background UDG over which a foreground UDG is superimposed. byte may contain skool macros, and recognises the following placeholders:

  • $b - the background UDG graphic byte value

  • $f - the foreground UDG graphic byte value

  • $m - the foreground UDG mask byte value (or 0 if the foreground UDG has no mask)

If the foreground frame has no mask, its contents are combined with those of the background frame by OR operations.

For example:

; #UDGARRAY2(30000-30024-8)(*background)
; #UDG30032:30040(*object)
; #OVER0,1(background,object)
; #UDGARRAY*background(image)

This instance of the #OVER macro superimposes the frame created by the #UDG macro at tile coordinates (0, 1) on the background frame created by the #UDGARRAY macro. The #UDGARRAY* macro then creates an image of the modified background frame.

The integer parameters of the #OVER macro may contain replacement fields.

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the bg and fg parameters.






In HTML mode, the #PLOT macro sets, resets or flips a pixel in a frame already created by one of the other image macros.

  • x and y are the coordinates of the pixel, relative to the top-left corner of the frame

  • value is 0 to reset the pixel, 1 to set it (the default), or 2 to flip it

  • frame is the name of the frame

For example:

; #UDG30000(*tile)
; #PLOT1,2(tile)
; #UDGARRAY*tile(tile)

This instance of the #PLOT macro sets the second pixel from the left in the third row from the top in the frame created by the #UDG macro. The #UDGARRAY* macro then creates an image of the modified frame.

The integer parameters of the #PLOT macro may contain replacement fields.






In HTML mode, the #SCR macro expands to an <img> element for an image constructed from the display file and attribute file (or suitably arranged graphic data and attribute bytes elsewhere in memory) of the current memory snapshot (in turn constructed from the contents of the skool file).

  • scale is the scale of the image (default: 1)

  • x is the x-coordinate of the top-left tile of the screen to include in the screenshot (default: 0)

  • y is the y-coordinate of the top-left tile of the screen to include in the screenshot (default: 0)

  • w is the width of the screenshot in tiles (default: 32)

  • h is the height of the screenshot in tiles (default: 24)

  • df is the base address of the display file (default: 16384)

  • af is the base address of the attribute file (default: 22528)

  • tindex is the index (0-15) of the entry in the palette to use as the transparent colour (default: 0; see Palette)

  • alpha is the alpha value (0-255) to use for the transparent colour (default: the value of the PNGAlpha parameter in the [ImageWriter] section)

  • CROP is the cropping specification (see Cropping)

  • fname is the name of the image file (see Filenames; default: ‘scr’)

For example:

; { #SCR(loading) | This is the loading screen. }

The integer parameters and the cropping specification of the #SCR macro may contain replacement fields.




Added support for replacement fields in the integer parameters and the cropping specification


Added the tindex and alpha parameters


Added support for image path ID replacement fields in the fname parameter


Added support for arithmetic expressions and skool macros in the numeric parameters


Added the ability to create frames


Added the ability to specify alt text for the <img> element


Added support for keyword arguments


Added image-cropping capabilities and the df and af parameters


Added the scale, x, y, w, h and fname parameters


In HTML mode, the #UDG macro expands to an <img> element for the image of a UDG (an 8x8 block of pixels).

  • addr is the base address of the UDG bytes

  • attr is the attribute byte to use (default: 56)

  • scale is the scale of the image (default: 4)

  • step is the interval between successive bytes of the UDG (default: 1)

  • inc is added to each UDG byte before constructing the image (default: 0)

  • flip is 1 to flip the UDG horizontally, 2 to flip it vertically, 3 to flip it both ways, or 0 to leave it as it is (default: 0)

  • rotate is 1 to rotate the UDG 90 degrees clockwise, 2 to rotate it 180 degrees, 3 to rotate it 90 degrees anticlockwise, or 0 to leave it as it is (default: 0)

  • mask is the type of mask to apply (see Masks)

  • tindex is the index (0-15) of the entry in the palette to use as the transparent colour (default: 0; see Palette)

  • alpha is the alpha value (0-255) to use for the transparent colour (default: the value of the PNGAlpha parameter in the [ImageWriter] section)

  • MASK is the mask specification (see below)

  • CROP is the cropping specification (see Cropping)

  • fname is the name of the image file (see Filenames); if not given, a name specified by the UDGFilename parameter in the [Paths] section will be used

The mask specification (MASK) takes the form:

  • addr is the base address of the mask bytes to use for the UDG

  • step is the interval between successive mask bytes (defaults to the value of step for the UDG)

Note that if any of the parameters in the mask specification is expressed using arithmetic operations or skool macros, then the entire specification must be enclosed in parentheses.

For example:

; Safe key UDG
; #HTML[#UDG39144,6(safe_key)]

In HTML mode, this instance of the #UDG macro expands to an <img> element for the image of the UDG at 39144 (which will be named safe_key.png), with attribute byte 6 (INK 6: PAPER 0).

The integer parameters, mask specification and cropping specification of the #UDG macro may contain replacement fields.




Added support for replacement fields in the integer parameters, mask specification and cropping specification


Added the tindex and alpha parameters


Added support for image path ID replacement fields in the fname parameter


Added support for arithmetic expressions and skool macros in the numeric parameters


Added the ability to create frames


Added the ability to specify alt text for the <img> element


Added the mask parameter and support for AND-OR masking; added support for keyword arguments


Made the attr parameter optional


Added image-cropping capabilities


Added the rotate parameter


Added the flip parameter


Added support for masks


Added the fname parameter


In HTML mode, the #UDGARRAY macro expands to an <img> element for the image of an array of UDGs (8x8 blocks of pixels).

  • width is the width of the image (in UDGs)

  • attr is the default attribute byte of each UDG (default: 56)

  • scale is the scale of the image (default: 2)

  • step is the default interval between successive bytes of each UDG (default: 1)

  • inc is added to each UDG byte before constructing the image (default: 0)

  • flip is 1 to flip the array of UDGs horizontally, 2 to flip it vertically, 3 to flip it both ways, or 0 to leave it as it is (default: 0)

  • rotate is 1 to rotate the array of UDGs 90 degrees clockwise, 2 to rotate it 180 degrees, 3 to rotate it 90 degrees anticlockwise, or 0 to leave it as it is (default: 0)

  • mask is the type of mask to apply (see Masks)

  • tindex is the index (0-15) of the entry in the palette to use as the transparent colour (default: 0; see Palette)

  • alpha is the alpha value (0-255) to use for the transparent colour (default: the value of the PNGAlpha parameter in the [ImageWriter] section)

  • CROP is the cropping specification (see Cropping)

  • fname is the name of the image file (see Filenames)

SPEC1, SPEC2 etc. are UDG specifications for the sets of UDGs that make up the array. The parentheses around them are optional, but recommended. If the parentheses are omitted, SPEC1 must be prefixed by a semicolon to separate it from the main parameters. Each UDG specification has the form:

  • addr is the address range specification for the set of UDGs (see below)

  • attr is the attribute byte of each UDG in the set (defaults to the value of attr for the UDG array)

  • step is the interval between successive bytes of each UDG in the set (defaults to the value of step for the UDG array)

  • inc is added to each byte of every UDG in the set before constructing the image (defaults to the value of inc for the UDG array)

  • MASK is the mask specification

The mask specification (MASK) takes the form:

  • addr is the address range specification for the set of mask UDGs (see below)

  • step is the interval between successive bytes of each mask UDG in the set (defaults to the value of step for the set of UDGs)

ATTRS1, ATTRS2 etc. are attribute address range specifications (see below). If supplied, attribute values are taken from the specified addresses instead of the attr parameter values.

Address range specifications (for both UDGs and attributes) may be given in one of the following forms:

  • a single address (e.g. 39144)

  • a simple address range (e.g. 33008-33015)

  • an address range with a step (e.g. 32768-33792-256)

  • an address range with a horizontal and a vertical step (e.g. 63476-63525-1-16; this form specifies the step between the base addresses of adjacent items in each row as 1, and the step between the base addresses of adjacent items in each column as 16)

Any of these forms of address ranges can be repeated by appending xN, where N is the desired number of repetitions. For example:

  • 39648x3 is equivalent to 39648;39648;39648

  • 32768-32769x2 is equivalent to 32768;32769;32768;32769

As many UDG specifications as required may be supplied, separated by semicolons; the UDGs will be arranged in a rectangular array with the given width.

Note that, like the main parameters of a #UDGARRAY macro (up to but not including the first semicolon), if any of the following parts of the parameter string is expressed using arithmetic operations or skool macros, then that part must be enclosed in parentheses:

  • any of the 1-5 parts of a UDG, mask or attribute address range specification (separated by - and x)

  • the part of a UDG or mask specification after the comma that follows the address range

For example:

; Base sprite
; #HTML[#UDGARRAY4(32768-32888-8)(base_sprite.png)]

In HTML mode, this instance of the #UDGARRAY macro expands to an <img> element for the image of the 4x4 sprite formed by the 16 UDGs with base addresses 32768, 32776, 32784 and so on up to 32888; the image file will be named base_sprite.png.

The integer parameters, UDG specifications, attribute address range specification and cropping specification of the #UDGARRAY macro may contain replacement fields.

See also #UDGS.




The UDG specifications may be enclosed in parentheses


Added support for replacement fields in the integer parameters and the UDG, attribute address range and cropping specifications


Added the tindex and alpha parameters


Added the ability to specify attribute addresses


Added support for image path ID replacement fields in the fname parameter


Added support for arithmetic expressions and skool macros in the numeric parameters


Added the ability to specify alt text for the <img> element


Added the mask parameter and support for AND-OR masking; added support for keyword arguments


Added support for creating an animated image from an arbitrary sequence of frames


Added support for UDG address ranges with horizontal and vertical steps


Added image-cropping capabilities


Added the rotate parameter


Added the flip parameter


Added support for masks




In HTML mode, the #UDGS macro expands to an <img> element for the image of a rectangular array of UDGs (8x8 blocks of pixels).

  • width is the width of the array

  • height is the height of the array

  • scale is the scale of the image

  • flip is 1 to flip the array of UDGs horizontally, 2 to flip it vertically, 3 to flip it both ways, or 0 to leave it as it is (default: 0)

  • rotate is 1 to rotate the array of UDGs 90 degrees clockwise, 2 to rotate it 180 degrees, 3 to rotate it 90 degrees anticlockwise, or 0 to leave it as it is (default: 0)

  • mask is the type of mask to apply (see Masks)

  • tindex is the index (0-15) of the entry in the palette to use as the transparent colour (see Palette)

  • alpha is the alpha value (0-255) to use for the transparent colour

  • CROP is the cropping specification (see Cropping)

  • fname is the name of the image file (see Filenames)

  • uframe is expanded once for each slot in the array, and may contain the placeholders $x and $y for the coordinates of the slot; the resulting text is interpreted as the name of the frame whose top-left UDG should be placed into the slot

For example:


This instance of the #UDGS macro expands to an <img> element for the image of the 2x2 sprite formed by the four 9-byte UDG definitions (where the first byte is the attribute value, and the next eight bytes are the graphic data) with base addresses 30000, 30009, 30018 and 30027. The image file is named sprite.png.

Unless specified by macro arguments, the scale, mask type, transparency index and alpha value of the image created by the #UDGS macro are copied from the last frame used to populate the array (corresponding to the bottom-right UDG).

The integer parameters and the uframe parameter of the #UDGS macro may contain replacement fields.

See String parameters for details on alternative ways to supply the uframe parameter.

See also #UDGARRAY.






The fname parameter of the #FONT, #SCR, #UDG, #UDGARRAY and #UDGS macros can be used to specify not only an image filename, but also its exact location, the alt attribute of the <img> element, and a frame name (see Animation).

If fname contains an image path ID replacement field (e.g. {ScreenshotImagePath}/udgs), the corresponding parameter value from the [Paths] section will be substituted.

If fname starts with a ‘/’, the filename is taken to be relative to the root of the HTML disassembly.

If fname contains no image path ID replacement fields and does not start with a ‘/’, the filename is taken to be relative to the directory defined by one of the following parameters in the [Paths] section, depending on the macro being used:

If fname does not end with ‘.png’, that suffix will be appended.

If an image with the given filename doesn’t already exist, it will be created.

The value of the alt attribute in the <img> element can be specified by appending a | character and the required text to the filename. For example:

#SCR(screenshot1|Screenshot 1)

This #SCR macro creates an image named screenshot1.png with alt text ‘Screenshot 1’.


The image macros may be used to create the frames of an animated image. To create a frame, the fname parameter must have one of the following forms:

  • name* - writes an image file with this name, and also creates a frame with the same name

  • name1*name2 - writes an image file named name1, and also creates a frame named name2

  • *name - writes no image file, but creates a frame with this name

Then a special form of the #UDGARRAY macro creates the animated image from a set of frames:


FRAME1, FRAME2 etc. are frame specifications. The parentheses around them are optional, but recommended. Each frame specification has the form:

  • name is the name of the frame

  • delay is the delay between this frame and the next in 1/100ths of a second; it also sets the default delay for any frames that follow (default: 32)

  • x and y are the coordinates at which to render the frame, relative to the top-left corner of the first frame (default: (0,0))

For example:

; #FONT:(hello)$3D00(hello*) |
; #FONT:(there)$3D00(there*) |
; #FONT:(peeps)$3D00(peeps*) |
; #UDGARRAY*(hello,50;there;peeps)(hello_there_peeps)
; } TABLE#

The #FONT macros create the required frames (and write images of them); the #UDGARRAY macro combines the three frames into a single animated image, with a delay of 0.5s between each frame.

The integer parameters of a frame specification may contain replacement fields.

Note that the first frame of an animated image determines the size of the image as a whole. Therefore, the region defined by the width, height and coordinates of any subsequent frame must fall entirely inside the first frame.




The frame specifications may be enclosed in parentheses


Added the x and y parameters to the frame specification; added support for replacement fields in the integer parameters of a frame specification




The #COPY, #FONT, #SCR, #UDG, #UDGARRAY and #UDGS macros accept a cropping specification (CROP) which takes the form:

  • x is the x-coordinate of the leftmost pixel column of the constructed image to include in the final image (default: 0); if greater than 0, the image will be cropped on the left

  • y is the y-coordinate of the topmost pixel row of the constructed image to include in the final image (default: 0); if greater than 0, the image will be cropped on the top

  • width is the width of the final image in pixels (default: width of the constructed image)

  • height is the height of the final image in pixels (default: height of the constructed image)

For example:


This #UDG macro creates an image of the UDG at 40000, at scale 2, with the top two rows and bottom two rows of pixels removed, and the leftmost two columns and rightmost two columns of pixels removed.

The parameters of the cropping specification may contain replacement fields.


The #COPY, #UDG, #UDGARRAY and #UDGS macros accept a mask parameter that determines what kind of mask to apply to each UDG. The supported values are:

  • 0 - no mask

  • 1 - OR-AND mask (this is the default)

  • 2 - AND-OR mask

Given a ‘background’ bit (B), a UDG bit (U), and a mask bit (M), the OR-AND mask works as follows:

  • OR the UDG bit (U) onto the background bit (B)

  • AND the mask bit (M) onto the result






0 (paper)



B (transparent)



0 (paper)



1 (ink)

The AND-OR mask works as follows:

  • AND the mask bit (M) onto the background bit (B)

  • OR the UDG bit (U) onto the result






0 (paper)



B (transparent)



1 (ink)



1 (ink)

By default, transparent bits in masked images are rendered in bright green (#00fe00); this colour can be changed by modifying the TRANSPARENT parameter in the [Colours] section. To make the transparent bits in masked images actually transparent, set PNGAlpha=0 in the [ImageWriter] section.


Images created by the image macros use colours drawn from a palette of 16 entries:

  • 0 - transparent

  • 1 - black

  • 2 - blue

  • 3 - red

  • 4 - magenta

  • 5 - green

  • 6 - cyan

  • 7 - yellow

  • 8 - white

  • 9 - bright blue

  • 10 - bright red

  • 11 - bright magenta

  • 12 - bright green

  • 13 - bright cyan

  • 14 - bright yellow

  • 15 - bright white

The RGB values for these colours are defined in the [Colours] section.

The index values (0-15) may be used by an image macro’s tindex parameter to specify a transparent colour to use other than the default (0). The palette entry specified by tindex, if not 0, will be used as the transparent colour only if the image does not already contain any transparent bits produced by a mask. In an animated image, the tindex and alpha values on the first frame take effect; any tindex and alpha values on the second or subsequent frames are ignored.

For example:


This #UDG macro creates an image of the UDG at 30000 with red INK and black PAPER (attr=2), black as the transparent colour (tindex=1), and full transparency (alpha=0).

Snapshot macros

The #POKES, #POPS and #PUSHS macros (described in the following sections) may be used to manipulate the memory snapshot that is built from the skool file. Each macro expands to an empty string.


The #POKES macro POKEs values into the current memory snapshot.

  • addr is the address to POKE

  • byte is the value to POKE addr with

  • length is the number of addresses to POKE (default: 1)

  • step is the address increment to use after each POKE (if length>1; default: 1)

For example:

The UDG looks like this:


But it's supposed to look like this:


This instance of the #POKES macro does POKE 32772,254 and POKE 32775,136, which fixes a graphic glitch in the UDG at 32768.

The parameter string of the #POKES macro may contain replacement fields.

See also #PEEK.




Added support for replacement fields in the parameter string


Added support for arithmetic expressions and skool macros in the parameter string


Added support for ASM mode


Added support for multiple addresses


The #POPS macro removes the current internal memory snapshot and replaces it with the one that was previously saved by a #PUSHS macro.





Added support for ASM mode


The #PUSHS macro saves the current internal memory snapshot, and replaces it with an identical copy with a given name.

  • name is the snapshot name (defaults to an empty string)

The snapshot name must be limited to the characters ‘$’, ‘#’, 0-9, A-Z and a-z; it must not start with a capital letter. The name can be retrieved by using the get_snapshot_name() method on HtmlWriter.




Added support for ASM mode

Defining macros with #DEF

By using the #DEF macro, it is possible to define new macros based on existing ones without writing any Python code. Some examples are given below.


There is the #HTML macro for inserting content in HTML mode only, but there is no corresponding macro for inserting content in ASM mode only. The following #DEF macro defines an #ASM macro to fill that gap:

#DEF(#ASM #IF({mode[asm]}))

For example:

#ASM(This text appears only in ASM mode.)


The #UDG macro is not supported in ASM mode, but #DEF can define an #ASMUDG macro (based on the #ASM macro defined above) that is:

#DEF(#ASMUDG(a) #ASM(#LIST(,) #FOR($a,$a+7)(u,{ |#FOR(7,0,-1)(n,#IF(#PEEKu&2**n)(*, ))| }) LIST#))

For example:

; #ASMUDG30000
 30000 DEFB 48,72,136,144,104,4,10,4

This #ASMUDG macro produces the following output:

; |  **    |
; | *  *   |
; |*   *   |
; |*  *    |
; | ** *   |
; |     *  |
; |    * * |
; |     *  |


Suppose the game you’re disassembling arranges tiles in groups of nine bytes: the attribute byte first, followed by the eight graphic bytes. If there is a tile at 32768, then:


will create an image of it. If you want to create several tile images, this syntax can get cumbersome; it would be easier if you could supply just the address of the attribute byte. The following #DEF macro defines a #TILE macro that creates a tile image given an attribute byte address:

#DEF(#TILE(a) #UDG($a+1,#PEEK$a))

Now you can create an image of the tile at 32768 like this:


If you have several nine-byte tiles arranged one after the other, you might want to create images of all of them in a single row of a #UDGTABLE. The following #DEF macro defines a #TILES macro (based on the #TILE macro already defined) for this purpose:

#DEF(#TILES(a,m) #FOR($a,$a+9*($m-1),9)(n,#TILEn, | ))

Now you can create a #UDGTABLE of images of a series of 10 tiles starting at 32768 like this: