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6791: Write a single character on a blackboard
Used by the routine at 6880. Returns with the zero flag set if the end of the message has been reached.
H Number of the character writing on the board (0xC8-0xCC, 0xCE)
6791 CALL $66CE A=ASCII code of the next character from the message being written
This entry point is used by the routine at 5E6F when ERIC's writing on a board.
6794 LD C,A C=ASCII code of the next character from the message being written
6795 CALL $6755 Collect information about the blackboard
6798 LD A,C
6799 LD C,B Point BC at the blackboard's buffer (7F54, 7F5A, 7F60, 7F66 or 7F6C)
679A LD B,$7F
679C AND A Have we reached the end of the message?
679D JR NZ,$67A3 Jump if not
679F DEC A A=0xFF
67A0 LD (BC),A Set the first byte of the blackboard's buffer to 0xFF if the message is finished, or the the pixel column number for the next letter to be written otherwise
67A1 INC A Set the zero flag if the end of the message has been reached
67A2 RET
We haven't reached the end of the message yet. Examine the next character to be written.
67A3 CP $02 Character code 0x02 is newline
67A5 JR NZ,$67AB Jump unless we're starting a new line
67A7 LD A,$40 This is the pixel column number of the start of the bottom line of the blackboard
67A9 JR $67A0
The next character to be written is printable (as opposed to newline).
67AB PUSH HL Save the character number (in H) for now
67AC LD L,A Place the ASCII code of the character to be written in L
67AD LD H,$D7 Now (HL)=bit width of this character
67AF LD A,(BC) A=current pixel column number on the blackboard
67B0 AND $3F Set the carry flag if there's not enough room on the current line to print the next character (plus one blank pixel column)
67B2 ADD A,$C0
67B4 SCF
67B5 ADC A,(HL)
67B6 LD A,(BC) A=current pixel column number on the blackboard
67B7 JR NC,$67BD Jump if there's enough room on the current line for the character
67B9 CPL Otherwise move to the other line of the blackboard by setting the current pixel column number to 0 or 64 as appropriate
67BA AND $40
67BC LD (BC),A
67BD RRCA Divide the pixel column number by 8 to get the corresponding character square number (0-7); also keep bit 3 for now to check which line of the board we're on
67C0 AND $0F
67C2 CP $08 Are we on the top line of the board?
67C4 JR C,$67C9 Jump if so (A=0-7)
67C6 INC D D=4 or 9 (y-coordinate of the bottom line of the board)
67C7 AND $07 A=0-7
67C9 ADD A,E E=x-coordinate of the blackboard tile on which the next character will be written
67CB CALL $670C Update the SRB for this blackboard
67CE LD A,(BC) A=current pixel column number on the blackboard
67CF AND $07 Modify the RES n,(HL) instruction at 67F1 below to reset the appropriate bit for the current pixel column
67D1 ADD A,A
67D2 ADD A,A
67D3 ADD A,A
67D4 CPL
67D5 SUB $41
67D7 LD ($67F2),A
67DA LD A,(BC) A=current pixel column number on the blackboard
67DB ADD A,(HL) Add the bit-width of character to be written
67DC INC A Add 1 to make a blank vertical pixel line after the character to be written
67DD LD (BC),A Set the pixel column number for the next character to be written
67DE LD C,(HL) C=bit-width of the character to be written
67DF EX DE,HL Now DE points at the bitmap data for the character to be written on the board, and HL holds the coordinates of the blackboard tile on which the character will be written
67E0 LD A,H A=blackboard tile y-coordinate
67E1 LD H,$B5 Pick up the Q value (0x00<=Q<=0x8F) for the blackboard tile from page 0xB5 in L (see 606C)
67E3 LD L,(HL)
67E4 ADD A,$A0 Collect the LSB of the base address of the skool UDG for the blackboard tile in L
67E6 LD H,A
67E7 LD L,(HL)
67E8 LD H,$80 The base page for all blackboard tile UDGs is 0x80
67EA INC D Point DE at the next pixel column of bitmap data for the character to be written
67EB LD A,(DE) Pick this up in A
67EC LD B,$08 8 horizontal pixel lines in each character square
67EE RLCA Should a bit of chalk appear here?
67EF JR NC,$67F3 Jump if not
67F1 RES 7,(HL) Reset the appropriate bit in the skool UDG for the blackboard tile, thus making a bit of chalk appear; this instruction is modified by this routine to reset the required bit
67F3 INC H Next row of the blackboard tile UDG
67F4 DJNZ $67EE Jump back until all 8 rows are done
67F6 LD A,($67F2) Change the RES n,(HL) instruction at 67F1 above to RES n-1,(HL) if n>0, or RES 7,(HL) if n=0
67F9 OR $40
67FB SUB $08
67FF LD ($67F2),A
6802 CP $BE Did we just draw the rightmost vertical pixel line in the current blackboard tile?
6804 JR NZ,$6807 Jump if so
6806 INC L Set L to the LSB of the base address of the skool UDG for the next blackboard tile to the right
6807 DEC C Next pixel column of the character bitmap
6808 JR NZ,$67E8 Jump back to do the remaining pixel columns
680A INC C Reset the zero flag (the message is not finished yet)
680B POP HL Restore the character number to H
680C RET
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