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6D00: Control a boy during assembly
Used by command lists 0x14, 0x28 and 0x58. Makes a boy find a spot to sit down in the assembly hall, and stay seated until assembly is finished.
H Boy's character number (0xBE-0xC7, 0xCE-0xD0)
6D00 LD A,H Determine the x-coordinate at which this boy will sit during assembly based on his character number (H) and his current x-coordinate (in byte 0x01 of the character buffer)
6D01 AND $03
6D03 CPL
6D04 LD L,$01
6D06 ADD A,(HL)
6D07 LD L,$0B Store this x-coordinate in byte 0x0B of the boy's character buffer
6D09 LD (HL),A
Having determined where the boy will sit, send him there.
6D0A LD BC,$63ED Redirect control to the routine at 63ED (walk to location) and then return to 6D10
6D0D CALL $639F
This entry point is used after the boy has reached the point where he will sit.
6D10 LD L,$00 Byte 0x00 of the character buffer holds the boy's animatory state
6D12 BIT 7,(HL) Is he facing left?
6D14 JP Z,$6430 Make him turn round to face the stage if so
6D17 LD L,$04 Remove the address of this routine's entry point (6D10) from bytes 0x03 and 0x04 of the character buffer
6D19 LD (HL),$00
6D1B CALL $61B4 Update the SRB for the boy's current animatory state and location
6D1E AND $F0 A=animatory state of the boy sitting on the floor
6D20 ADD A,$05
6D22 CALL $7746 Update the boy's animatory state, update the SRB, and place the address of the entry point at 6D25 (below) into bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of the character buffer
This entry point is used after the boy has sat down facing the stage.
6D25 LD A,($7F80) Check bit 7 of 7F80 (set by F0DA, reset by F250): has assembly finished yet?
6D29 RET C Return if not
6D2A LD L,$12 Remove the address of this routine's entry point (6D25) from bytes 0x11 and 0x12 of the character's buffer, triggering a move to the next command in the command list
6D2C LD (HL),$00
6D2E JP $68C2 Make the boy stand up before continuing, though
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