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6E00: Move ERIC from the midstride or mid-action position and scroll the screen if necessary
Called from the main loop at F6EA when ERIC is midstride or just about to finish an action (such as firing the water pistol or bending over to catch a mouse).
6E00 LD H,$D2 0xD2=ERIC
6E02 CALL $61B4 Update the SRB for ERIC's current animatory state (midstride) and location
6E05 LD L,$03 A=ERIC's post-midstride/post-action animatory state
6E07 LD A,(HL)
6E08 INC L Collect ERIC's post-midstride/post-action coordinates in DE
6E09 LD E,(HL)
6E0B LD D,(HL)
This entry point is used by the routines at 5D00 and FB03 with H=0xD2 (ERIC).
6E0C CALL $6130 Update ERIC's animatory state and location and update the SRB
6E0F CALL $7154 Make a sound effect
This entry point is used by the routine at 7BEB with H=0xD2 (ERIC).
6E12 LD L,$00 Point HL at byte 0x00 of ERIC's buffer
6E14 LD A,($7FFF) A=leftmost column of the play area on screen
6E17 BIT 7,(HL) Check the 'direction' bit of ERIC's animatory state
6E19 LD L,$01 Byte 0x01 of ERIC's buffer holds his x-coordinate
6E1B JR Z,$6E2A Jump if ERIC's facing left
ERIC is facing right. Check whether the screen should be scrolled left.
6E1D CP $A0 Return if the whole of the girls' skool is on-screen (no need to scroll)
6E20 SUB (HL) Return if ERIC is 1-21 spaces from the left edge of the screen (no need to scroll); note that this doesn't handle the case where ERIC's x-coordinate is 0, which is a bug
6E21 CP $EB
6E24 CALL $62A0 Update the display
6E27 JP $61C2 Scroll the screen to the left
ERIC is facing left. Check whether the screen should be scrolled right.
6E2A AND A Is the far left wall of the boys' skool on-screen?
6E2B RET Z Return if so (no need to scroll the screen)
6E2C SUB (HL) Is ERIC more than 9 character spaces from the left edge of the screen?
6E2D CP $F7
6E2F RET C Return if so (no need to scroll the screen)
6E30 CALL $62A0 Update the display
6E33 JP $61F8 Scroll the screen to the right
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