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FB03: Deal with ERIC when he's stepping off a plant, a plant pot, or the assembly hall stage
Used by the routine at F7AD when bit 2 at 7FED is set (by the routine at FAF2 or FB3C, or by this routine on the first pass through). On entry, bit 3 at 7FED is also set if ERIC is stepping out of an open window, over the closed skool gate, or off the assembly hall stage. On exit, ERIC's status flags at 7FED are set as follows:
Bit Meaning
2 ERIC has completed one step towards an open window, over the closed skool gate, or off the stage
3 ERIC is now falling (but not from the top-floor window)
5 ERIC is now falling out of the top-floor window
FB03 LD HL,$7FF3 7FF3 holds ERIC's main action timer
FB06 DEC (HL) Is it time to deal with ERIC yet?
FB07 RET NZ Return if not
FB08 LD (HL),$05 Reset ERIC's main action timer to 5
FB0A LD HL,$D200 Point HL at byte 0x00 of ERIC' buffer
FB0D BIT 0,(HL) Is ERIC midstride?
FB0F JR Z,$FAF7 Make him so if not (with an accompanying sound effect)
FB11 LD A,($7FED) Set the zero flag if bit 3 of ERIC's secondary status flags at 7FED is also set
FB14 CP $0C
FB16 LD A,$04 Set bit 2 (only) in A
FB18 JR Z,$FB24 Reset bit 3 at 7FED if ERIC has just stepped off a fully grown plant towards an open window or the closed skool gate, or just stepped off the stage
FB1A INC L L=0x01
FB1B LD A,(HL) A=ERIC's x-coordinate
FB1C CP $5C This is the x-coordinate of the plant pot on the top floor
FB1E LD A,$20 Set bit 5 in A
FB20 JR Z,$FB24 Jump if ERIC is going to fall from the top-floor window
FB22 LD A,$08 Set bit 3 in A
FB24 LD ($7FED),A Set the appropriate bit (2, 3 or 5) in ERIC's secondary status flags at 7FED
FB27 CALL $7154 Make a sound effect
FB2C CALL $61B4 Update the SRB for ERIC's current animatory state and location
FB2F INC A A=ERIC's new animatory state (standing)
FB30 AND $82
FB32 DEC E Decrement ERIC's x-coordinate
FB33 BIT 7,A Is ERIC facing left?
FB35 JR Z,$FB39 Jump if so
FB37 INC E Increment ERIC's x-coordinate (if he's facing right)
FB39 JP $6E0C Update ERIC's animatory state and location, make a sound effect, and scroll the screen if necessary
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