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E94C: Command list 0x4C: Close the gate and the door - ALBERT
Used by ALBERT when it's not PLAYTIME.
E94C DEFW $6464 Go to...
E94E DEFB $70,$11 ...the middle of the boys' playground
E950 DEFW $F487 Move forward 10 places in the command list (to E95D) unless...
E952 DEFB $10 ...the skool gate is open
E953 DEFW $6464 Go to...
E955 DEFB $82,$11 ...the skool gate
E957 DEFW $F49C Wait till everybody has gone past the skool gate
E959 DEFW $717C Move the...
E95B DEFB $10,$00 ...skool gate (close it)
E95D DEFW $F487 Move forward 10 places in the command list (to E96A) unless...
E95F DEFB $08 ...the boys' skool door is open
E960 DEFW $6464 Go to...
E962 DEFB $5F,$11 ...the boys' skool door
E964 DEFW $F49C Wait till everybody has gone past the skool door
E966 DEFW $717C Move the...
E968 DEFB $08,$00 ...boys' skool door (close it)
E96A DEFW $6464 Go to...
E96C DEFB $68,$11 ...the position just right of the tree
E96E DEFW $F7D7 Put the next address in ALBERT's buffer, making him...
E970 DEFW $F4CC ...keep an eye out for an escaping ERIC
E972 DEFW $7CD0 Move about until...
E974 DEFB $00 ...the bell rings
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