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FBCC: Deal with ERIC while he's falling (1)
Used by the routine at F7AD when bit 4 at 7FED is set (by the routine at 720A, 725E or FA4D). On entry, bit 6 at 7FED is also set if ERIC has already begun his descent (i.e. we've already made the first pass through this routine).
FBCC LD HL,$7FED 7FED holds ERIC's secondary status flags
FBCF BIT 6,(HL) Has ERIC already begun his descent?
FBD1 JR NZ,$FC01 Jump if so
ERIC has not begun his descent yet, which means we need to figure out what his trajectory will be first.
FBD5 CALL $61B4 Update the SRB for ERIC's current animatory state and location
FBD8 AND $80 A=0x00 if ERIC's facing left, 0x80 if facing right
This entry point is used by the routine at 7316 when ERIC has jumped from the saddle of the bike (with A=0x02 or 0x82, and D holding the y-coordinate of the spot above ERIC's hand).
FBDA LD B,A Now B=0x00 (or 0x02) if ERIC's facing left, 0x80 (or 0x82) if facing right
FBDB LD A,D A=y-coordinate of ERIC (or the spot above his hand)
FBDC CP $11 Is ERIC on the bottom floor?
FBDE JR NZ,$FBE2 Jump if not
FBE2 ADD A,$04 Set A=-7+(y-3)%7 if y<17, or -1 if y=17 (where y is ERIC's y-coordinate); this is the distance (negated) left to travel till ERIC reaches the floor
FBE4 SUB $07
FBE8 ADD A,$A6 A=0x9F-0xA5 (normal descent table entry pointer)
FBEA PUSH AF Save this briefly
FBEB LD A,$05 Now A=animatory state of ERIC sitting on the floor (0x05/0x85) or with his arm up (0x07/0x87)
FBEE CALL $6130 Update ERIC's animatory state and location and update the SRB
FBF1 POP AF Restore the normal descent table entry pointer to A
FBF2 LD H,A Point HL at the appropriate entry (H=0x9F-0xA5) in the normal descent table (L=0xFC) for ERIC's current height above the floor
This entry point is used by the routines at 5D23 (with H=0x9F, L=0xFD or 0xFE) and 5D33 (with H=0x9F, L=0xFF).
FBF5 LD ($7FD7),HL Store the descent table pointer at 7FD7
FBF8 LD HL,$7FED 7FED holds ERIC's secondary status flags
FBFB LD (HL),$50 Set bits 4 (ERIC is still falling) and 6 (ERIC has begun his descent)
FBFD LD L,$F3 Set ERIC's main action timer at 7FF3 to 7
FBFF LD (HL),$07
Deal with the next phase of ERIC's descent.
FC01 LD L,$F3 HL=7FF3 (which holds ERIC's main action timer)
FC03 DEC (HL) Is it time to deal with ERIC yet?
FC04 RET NZ Return if not
FC05 LD (HL),$03 Reset ERIC's action timer to 3
FC07 LD L,$D8 HL=7FD7 (which holds the descent table pointer)
FC09 INC (HL) Collect the descent table pointer into DE
FC0D LD A,(DE) Pick up an entry from the descent table in A
FC0E AND A Has ERIC landed yet?
FC0F JR NZ,$FC22 Jump if not
ERIC has landed. Time to set ERIC's status flags at 7FFB and 7FED appropriately.
FC11 LD L,$FB HL=7FFB (ERIC's main status flags)
FC13 INC D Collect the first set of flags from the descent table
FC14 LD A,(DE)
FC15 LD (HL),A Copy them into 7FFB
FC16 INC D Collect the second set of flags from the descent table
FC17 LD A,(DE)
FC18 LD L,$ED Copy them into 7FED
FC1B AND A Did ERIC jump from the top floor window (bit 5 set)?
FC1C CALL NZ,$F532 Set MR WACKER on his way to expel ERIC if so
FC1F JP $F2C3 Make a sound effect for ERIC's landing
ERIC hasn't landed yet. Determine his next move through the air.
FC22 PUSH AF Save the descent table entry briefly
FC23 LD H,$D2 0xD2=ERIC
FC25 CALL $61B4 Update the SRB for ERIC's current animatory state and location
FC28 AND $80 B=0x00 if ERIC's facing left, 0x80 if facing right
FC2B POP AF Restore the descent table entry to A
FC2C LD C,A Copy it to C
FC2D JP $5D00 The routine continues at 5D00
This routine uses a descent table to guide ERIC to the floor. The bits in each table entry have the following significance:
Bit(s) Meaning
0-3 ERIC's next animatory state
4 If set, move backwards one space
5 If set, move forwards one space
6 If set, descend one level
7 If set, ascend one level
The descent tables themselves contain the following entries:
E=0xFC (normal descent)
D DE (DE) Meaning
0xA0 A0FC 0x45 Animatory state 0x05 or 0x85; descend
0xA1 A1FC 0x45 Animatory state 0x05 or 0x85; descend
0xA2 A2FC 0x45 Animatory state 0x05 or 0x85; descend
0xA3 A3FC 0x45 Animatory state 0x05 or 0x85; descend
0xA4 A4FC 0x45 Animatory state 0x05 or 0x85; descend
0xA5 A5FC 0x45 Animatory state 0x05 or 0x85; descend
0xA6 A6FC 0x45 Animatory state 0x05 or 0x85; descend
0xA7 A7FC 0x00 ERIC has landed
0xA8 A8FC 0x04 Set bit 2 at 7FFB (ERIC is sitting)
0xA9 A9FC 0x00 Reset all bits at 7FED (ERIC landed safely)
E=0xFD (from the bike saddle over the closed skool gate)
D DE (DE) Meaning
0xA0 A0FD 0xA0 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; ascend; move forward
0xA1 A1FD 0xA0 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; ascend; move forward
0xA2 A2FD 0xA0 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; ascend; move forward
0xA3 A3FD 0x60 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; descend; move forward
0xA4 A4FD 0x64 Animatory state 0x04 or 0x84; descend; move forward
0xA5 A5FD 0x25 Animatory state 0x05 or 0x85; move forward
0xA6 A6FD 0x45 Animatory state 0x05 or 0x85; descend
0xA7 A7FD 0x45 Animatory state 0x05 or 0x85; descend
0xA8 A8FD 0x00 ERIC has landed
0xA9 A9FD 0x04 Set bit 2 at 7FFB (ERIC is sitting)
0xAA AAFD 0x00 Reset all bits at 7FED (ERIC landed safely)
E=0xFE (from the bike saddle into a wall or closed door)
D DE (DE) Meaning
0xA0 A0FE 0xA0 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; ascend; move forward
0xA1 A1FE 0xA0 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; ascend; move forward
0xA2 A2FE 0x02 Animatory state 0x02 or 0x82; ascend
0xA3 A3FE 0x40 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; descend
0xA4 A4FE 0x40 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; descend
0xA5 A5FE 0x40 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; descend
0xA6 A6FE 0x16 Animatory state 0x06 or 0x86; move backwards
0xA7 A7FE 0x00 ERIC has landed
0xA8 A8FE 0x04 Set bit 2 at 7FFB (ERIC is sitting)
0xA9 A9FE 0x00 Reset all bits at 7FED (ERIC landed safely)
E=0xFF (from the top-floor window)
D DE (DE) Meaning
0xA0 A0FF 0x60 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; descend; move forwards
0xA1 A1FF 0x60 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; descend; move forwards
0xA2 A2FF 0x60 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; descend; move forwards
0xA3 A3FF 0x60 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; descend; move forwards
0xA4 A4FF 0x40 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; descend
0xA5 A5FF 0x40 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; descend
0xA6 A6FF 0x40 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; descend
0xA7 A7FF 0x40 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; descend
0xA8 A8FF 0x40 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; descend
0xA9 A9FF 0x40 Animatory state 0x00 or 0x80; descend
0xAA AAFF 0x44 Animatory state 0x04 or 0x84; descend
0xAB ABFF 0x44 Animatory state 0x04 or 0x84; descend
0xAC ACFF 0x44 Animatory state 0x04 or 0x84; descend
0xAD ADFF 0x05 Animatory state 0x05 or 0x85
0xAE AEFF 0x45 Animatory state 0x05 or 0x85; descend
0xAF AFFF 0x45 Animatory state 0x05 or 0x85; descend
0xB0 B0FF 0x45 Animatory state 0x05 or 0x85; descend
0xB1 B1FF 0x46 Animatory state 0x06 or 0x86; descend
0xB2 B2FF 0x00 ERIC has landed
0xB3 B3FF 0x40 Set bit 6 at 7FFB (MR WACKER should expel ERIC)
0xB4 B4FF 0x20 Set bit 5 at 7FED (ERIC fell out of the top-floor window)
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