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28216: Turn ERIC round
Used by the routines at 28436, 28460, 28484, 28576 and 64316.
28216 CALL 29012 Make a sound effect
28219 LD A,(32753) Collect the keypress offset of the last keypress from 32753
28222 BIT 3,A Bit 3 of A is reset if an upper case key was pressed
28224 LD HL,1024 H=4 (fast), L=0 (not midstride)
28227 JR Z,28231 Jump if an upper case (fast) key was pressed
28229 LD H,9 9=slow
28231 LD (32754),HL Initialise ERIC's main action timer at 32755 to 4 (fast) or 9 (slow), and reset the midstride/mid-action timer at 32754 to 0
28234 LD H,210 210=ERIC
28236 JP 25648 Turn ERIC round
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