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25581: Guide a character to an intermediate destination
The address of this interruptible subcommand routine is placed into bytes 9 and 10 of the character's buffer by the routines at 25700, 27904, 31915 and 61696. It is used to make a character go straight to a destination (or intermediate destination) that is reachable without negotiating any staircases.
H Character number (183-214)
25581 LD L,12 Point HL at byte 12 of the character's buffer
25583 LD (HL),8 Initialise this to 8
Byte 12 is used to count the number of paces the character has taken while under the control of this routine. It is decremented on each pass (at 25618 below). If it reaches 0, the address of this routine is removed from bytes 9 and 10 of the character's buffer. This has the effect of allowing the character-moving routine at 25296 the chance to check whether a command list restart (bit 0 of byte 29 set) has been requested in the meantime. This ensures that the character does not proceed all the way to the (intermediate) destination before responding to some important event, such as the start of a new lesson (important for every character), ERIC playing truant (important for MR WACKER), or ERIC being present in the girls' skool when it's not playtime (important for MISS TAKE). If no command list restart has been requested in the meantime, the address of this routine will be placed into bytes 9 and 10 of the character's buffer again by the routine at 25700, and the character will continue towards his destination.
25585 NOP
25586 NOP
25587 LD L,9 Replace the address of this routine in bytes 9 and 10 of the character's buffer with 25591 (below)
25589 LD (HL),247
The second and subsequent calls to this routine (from 25296) enter here:
25591 LD L,0 Point HL at byte 0 of the character's buffer
25593 BIT 0,(HL) Is the character midstride?
25595 JR Z,25618 Jump if not
The character is midstride. He'll have to finish his stride before we move him one step closer to his destination. This entry point is used by the routines at 25656, 26263, 63586 and 63801.
25597 CALL 25012 Update the SRB for the character's current animatory state and location
This entry point is used by the routines at 25677 and 25944.
25600 INC E E=1 + character's x-coordinate
25601 BIT 7,A A=character's animatory state
25603 JR NZ,25607 Jump if the character is facing right
25605 DEC E
25606 DEC E E=character's x-coordinate - 1
25607 AND 252 Set B to the base animatory state of the character by discarding bits 0 and 1
25609 LD B,A
25610 LD A,E A=character's new x-coordinate (after finishing his stride)
25611 AND 1 A=0 if the x-coordinate is even, 2 if it's odd
25613 ADD A,A
25614 OR B A=character's new animatory state (standing/walking phase 1 for even x-coordinates, phase 3 for odd)
25615 JP 24880 Update the character's animatory state and location and update the SRB
The character is not midstride. If he hasn't reached his destination yet, make him put one foot forward (if he's facing the right way), or turn him round.
25618 LD L,12 Point HL at byte 12 of the character's buffer
25620 DEC (HL) Is it time to give the character-moving routine at 25296 a chance to check whether a command list restart has been requested?
25621 JP Z,25488 Terminate this interruptible subcommand if so
25624 DEC L L=11
25625 LD A,(HL) A=character's destination x-coordinate
25626 LD L,1 Byte 1 of the character's buffer holds his current x-coordinate
25628 CP (HL) Has the character reached his destination?
25629 JP Z,25488 Terminate this interruptible subcommand if so
This entry point is used by the routine at 63801.
25632 DEC HL Point HL at byte 0 of the character's buffer
25633 BIT 7,(HL) Is the character facing left?
25635 JR Z,25646 Jump if so
25637 JR C,25648 Jump if the character will have to turn round first
This entry point is used by the routine at 25677.
25639 CALL 28814 Check for closed doors in the character's path
25642 INC A A=character's new (midstride) animatory state
25643 JP 24880 Update the character's animatory state and update the SRB
This entry point is used by the routine at 26263.
25646 JR C,25639 Jump if the character is facing the right way
This entry point is used by the routines at 25700, 25944, 27904, 28216 and 62668 (to turn a character round), and 63586 (to move the stinkbomb cloud).
25648 CALL 25012 Update the SRB for the character's current animatory state and location
25651 XOR 128 Flip bit 7 of the character's animatory state, thus turning him round
25653 JP 24880 Update the character's animatory state and update the SRB
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