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57669: Deal with ERIC when he's bending over, dropping a stinkbomb etc.
This routine is called by the routine at 63405 when bit 3 at 32763 is set by the routine at 57637, indicating that ERIC is bending over (to throw away the water pistol, release a mouse, or catch a mouse or the frog), dropping a stinkbomb, firing the water pistol, or moving forward as if to kiss.
57669 XOR A Reset all flags at 32763, indicating that ERIC has finished bending over, dropping a stinkbomb etc.
57670 LD (32763),A
57673 LD HL,5126 Set ERIC's main action timer at 32755 to 20 (the delay before ERIC completes this action), and the mid-action timer at 32754 to 6 (the delay after ERIC completes this action)
57676 LD (32754),HL
This entry point is used by the routine at 24237 (when bit 5 at 32763 is set).
57679 LD HL,(32727) Collect in HL the routine address stored in 32727, and push it onto the stack ready for an indirect jump
57682 PUSH HL
57683 LD H,210 210=ERIC
57685 RET Jump to the routine whose address is stored in 32727
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