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63405: Deal with ERIC
Used by the routine at 63210. Deals with ERIC when any of the bits at 32763 (ERIC's primary status flags) are set, indicating that ERIC is doing something other than standing or walking:
Bit Set by Meaning if set Handler
0 23887 ERIC is jumping 23907
1 23907, 28305, 29574 Examine the secondary status flags at 32749
2 62094, 62423, 64460 ERIC is sitting or lying down 62178
3 57637 ERIC is bending over, dropping a stinkbomb etc. 57669
4 24133 ERIC is writing on a blackboard 24175
5 24247 ERIC is firing, hitting or kissing 24237
6 62815, 64460 MR WACKER is expelling ERIC
7 26175, 29896 ERIC has been knocked over 62094
If bit 1 at 32763 is set, we examine ERIC's secondary status flags at 32749:
Bit Set by Meaning if set Handler
0 29462 ERIC is riding the bike 29278
1 23907 ERIC is standing on a plant or plant pot 64316
2 64242, 64259, 64316 ERIC is stepping off a plant, a plant pot, or the stage 64259
3 64259, 64316 ERIC is falling and will land on his feet 64416
4 29194, 29278, 64077 ERIC is falling and will not land on his feet 64460
5 64259 ERIC has stepped out of the top-floor window 23859
6 29194 ERIC is falling from the saddle of the bike 23843
7 29278 ERIC is standing on the saddle of the bike 29462
H 127
63405 LD L,237 HL=32749 (ERIC's secondary status flags)
63407 BIT 5,(HL) Has ERIC stepped out of the top-floor window?
63409 JR Z,63418 Jump if not
63411 LD A,(53760) A=ERIC's animatory state
63414 CP 134 134: Is ERIC lying on his back, facing right?
63416 JR NZ,63431 Jump if not
63418 LD L,251 HL=32763 (ERIC's status flags)
63420 BIT 6,(HL) Is MR WACKER expelling ERIC?
63422 RET NZ Return if so (ERIC is incapacitated)
63423 BIT 1,(HL) Bit 1 at 32763 is set if we need to look at 32749
63425 LD D,211
63427 JR Z,63433 Jump unless we need to look at 32749
63429 LD L,237 HL=32749 (ERIC's secondary status flags)
63431 LD D,213
63433 LD A,(HL) Copy the contents of 32763 or 32749 to A
Now D=211 and A=(32763) if bit 1 at 32763 is reset; otherwise D=213 and A=(32749).
63434 LD E,68 Point DE at the appropriate entry in the table of handler routine address LSBs (at 54076 or 54588), depending on which bit of A is set
63436 DEC E
63437 RRCA
63438 JR NC,63436
63440 EX DE,HL Transfer the table entry address to HL
63441 LD E,(HL) Collect the handler routine address from the table entry into DE
63442 INC H
63443 LD D,(HL)
63444 EX DE,HL Transfer this handler routine address to HL
63445 JP (HL) Jump to the handler routine
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