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65DB: Move and draw the bullets
Used by the routine at F080. For each bullet currently in flight, calculates the bullet's next location and draws it there (unless it has hit Sam).
65DB LD HL,$7FE7 7FE7 holds the bullet timer
65DE DEC (HL) Is it time to move and redraw the bullets?
65DF RET NZ Return if not
65E0 LD A,($7F9F) Collect the MSB of Sam's cash supply
65E3 LD C,$03 Keep only bits 0 and 1 of the MSB
65E5 AND C
65E6 XOR C A=6-A
65E7 ADD A,C
65E8 LD (HL),A Reinitialise the bullet timer at 7FE7 to 3, 4, 5 or 6
65E9 LD L,$C0 HL=7FC0 (first byte of bullet buffer 1)
The following loop checks each bullet to see whether it is in flight or has flown off the screen.
65EB LD DE,($7FFE) Collect the x- and y-coordinates of the top-left tile of the play area on screen in E and D
65EF LD A,(HL) A=x-coordinate of the leftmost column of the play area that was on screen the last time the bullet was drawn
65F0 LD (HL),E Replace that x-coordinate with the current value
65F1 SUB E A=bullet's current screen x-coordinate
65F3 ADD A,(HL)
65F4 LD E,A Copy this to E
65F5 LD (HL),A Also store it in the bullet buffer
65F6 INC HL Point HL at the third byte of the bullet buffer
65F7 CP $20 Has the bullet flown off screen to the right?
65F9 JR NC,$65FF Jump if so
65FB LD A,(HL) A=bullet's current screen y-coordinate (or 0 if the bullet is not in flight)
65FC AND A Is the bullet in flight at the moment?
65FD JR NZ,$6608 Jump if so
65FF LD (HL),$00 Set the third byte of the bullet's buffer to 0, indicating that it is not in flight
6601 INC L Point HL at the last byte of the bullet buffer
6602 INC L Point HL at the first byte of the next bullet buffer
6603 BIT 3,L Have we dealt with both bullets yet?
6605 JR Z,$65EB Jump back if not
6607 RET
This bullet is currently in flight.
6608 LD A,D A=y-coordinate of the topmost row of the play area on screen
6609 CP $14 Is the sidewalk on screen at the moment?
660B JR NZ,$65FF Terminate the bullet if not
660D LD D,(HL) D=bullet's current screen y-coordinate
660E PUSH HL Save the pointer to the bullet buffer
660F EX DE,HL Transfer the bullet's screen x- and y-coordinates to L and H
6610 CALL $E70C Print the play area tile at these coordinates, thus erasing the bullet
6613 POP HL Restore the bullet buffer pointer to HL
6614 INC HL Point HL at the fourth byte of the bullet buffer
6615 LD A,$20 Flip bit 5 of this byte
6617 XOR (HL)
6618 LD (HL),A
6619 DEC HL Point HL at the second byte of the bullet buffer (which holds the bullet's screen x-coordinate)
661B DEC (HL) Decrement the bullet's screen x-coordinate
661C ADD A,A Is the bullet flying leftwards?
661D JR NC,$6621 Jump if so
661F INC (HL) Otherwise increment the bullet's x-coordinate
6620 INC (HL)
6621 LD E,(HL) E=bullet's next screen x-coordinate
6622 INC HL Point HL at the third byte of the bullet buffer
6623 BIT 5,E Would the bullet now be off-screen to the left or right?
6625 JR NZ,$65FF Terminate the bullet if so
6627 ADD A,A Is the bullet flying perfectly horizontally?
6628 JR NC,$664C Jump if so
The bullet is flying at an angle towards the ground or the sky.
662A ADD A,A Push what was bit 5 of the fourth byte of the bullet buffer into the carry flag (and ignore it)
662B NOP
662C NOP
662D ADD A,A Set the carry flag if the bullet is flying towards the sky
662E INC HL Point HL at the fourth byte of the bullet buffer
662F JR C,$6642 Jump if the bullet is flying towards the sky
The bullet is flying at an angle towards the ground.
6631 RES 3,(HL) Reset bit 3 to prevent overflow (which would affect bits 4-7)
6633 INC (HL) Increment the pixel row counter in bits 0-2
6634 LD A,(HL) Pick up the fourth byte of the bullet buffer
6635 AND $07 Keep only bits 0-2 (the pixel row counter)
6637 DEC HL Point HL at the third byte of the bullet buffer
6638 JR NZ,$664C Jump unless the pixel row counter rolled over from 7 to 0
663A INC (HL) Increment the bullet's screen y-coordinate
663B LD A,(HL) A=bullet's next screen y-coordinate
663C CP $14 Has the bullet flown off the bottom of the screen?
663E JR Z,$65FF Terminate it if so
6640 JR $664C
The bullet is flying at an angle towards the sky.
6642 SET 3,(HL) Set bit 3 to prevent underflow (which would affect bits 4-7)
6644 LD A,(HL) Pick up the fourth byte of the bullet buffer
6645 DEC (HL) Decrement the pixel row counter in bits 0-2
6646 AND $07 A=previous value of the pixel row counter (0-7)
6648 DEC HL Point HL at the third byte of the bullet buffer
6649 JR NZ,$664C Jump unless the pixel row counter rolled over from 0 to 7
664B DEC (HL) Decrement the bullet's screen y-coordinate
664C LD D,(HL) D=bullet's next screen y-coordinate
Having calculated where the bullet is going next, we check whether it would hit Sam.
664D CALL $6592 Would the bullet hit Sam?
6650 JR C,$65FF Terminate the bullet if so
The bullet has not flown off the screen or hit Sam, so now we draw it.
6652 LD A,D A=bullet's next screen y-coordinate
6653 AND $07 Point DE at the top pixel row of the screen cell in which the bullet will be drawn
6655 RRCA
6656 RRCA
6657 RRCA
6658 ADD A,E
6659 LD E,A
665A LD A,D
665B AND $18
665D ADD A,$40
665F LD D,A
6660 INC HL Point HL at the fourth byte of the bullet buffer
6661 LD A,(HL) Point DE at the exact pixel row of the screen cell in which the bullet will be drawn
6662 AND $07
6664 ADD A,D
6665 LD D,A
6666 LD A,(DE) Pick up the current pixel row from the display file
6667 OR $3C Set bits 2-5
6669 AND $BD Reset bits 6 and 1
666B LD (DE),A Draw the bullet
666C JR $6602 Jump back to deal with the next bullet
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