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E70C: Print a tile
Used by the routines at 65DB, E80E, E845, E87C, E8B7 and EA80. Copies a background tile of the play area into the back buffer at A01E, superimposes character sprite tiles and a foreground tile as appropriate, and then copies the resultant tile to the screen. Also sets the corresponding attribute byte.
H Screen row number (0-19)
L Screen column number (0-31)
E70C PUSH HL Put the screen coordinates onto the stack
E70D LD A,H Compute the corresponding display file address in HL
E70E AND $07
E713 ADD A,L
E714 LD L,A
E715 LD A,H
E716 AND $18
E718 ADD A,$40
E71B EX (SP),HL Put the display file address onto the stack and get the screen coordinates back in HL
E71C LD DE,($7FFE) DE=play area coordinates of the top-left corner of the screen
E720 ADD HL,DE HL=play area coordinates of the tile to be printed
E721 PUSH HL Push these coordinates onto the stack...
E722 EXX
E723 POP DE ...and pop them into DE'
E724 EXX
In order to find the graphic data and attribute byte for the play area tile(s) to be printed at (X,Y), we need the T and T' values for that location; these values can be found in turn from the Z, Z' and Z'' values for the location.
The Z value (0x00<=Z<=0x65) for the play area location (X,Y) is found in byte INT(X/8) of page 0xB8+INT(Y/6). Then the Z' value is found in byte Z of page 0xBF, and the Z'' value in byte 0x80+Z of page 0xB8+X%8.
Z'' and bit 7-(X%8) of Z' determine the address, P, of the T value for the play area location (X,Y): Z'' is the LSB, and the MSB is either 0xA0+2*(Y%6) or 0xAC+2*(Y%6), depending on whether bit 7-(X%8) of Z' is reset or set. The address of the T' value is P+256.
E725 LD A,H A=Y, the play area y-coordinate (2-39)
E726 LD D,$B7 Set D=0xB8+INT(Y/6) (0xB8-0xBE)
E728 INC D
E729 SUB $06
E72B JR NC,$E728
E72D ADD A,$56 0x50<=A<=0x55
E72F ADD A,A A=0xA0, 0xA2, 0xA4, 0xA6, 0xA8 or 0xAA
E730 LD B,A B=0xA0+2*(Y%6)
E731 LD A,L A=X, the play area x-coordinate (0-255)
E732 AND $F8 Keep only bits 3-7
E734 RRA Slide them down into bits 0-4; now A=INT(X/8)
E737 LD E,A Point DE at the Z value for the play area location (X,Y)
E738 LD A,L A=X, the play area x-coordinate (0-255)
E739 AND $07 Keep only bits 0-2; now A=X%8
E73B PUSH AF Save this value briefly
E73C ADD A,$A0 0xA0<=A<=0xA7
E73E LD H,A H=0xA0+(X%8)
E73F LD L,$15 Point HL at byte 0x15 of page 0xA0+(X%8)
E741 LD C,(HL) Now C=0x80 (if X%8=0), 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, or 0x01 (if X%8=7)
E742 LD A,(DE) A=Z (value of byte INT(X/8) of page 0xB8+INT(Y/6))
E743 LD L,A L=Z (0x00-0x65)
E744 LD H,$BF Point HL at the table of Z' values at BF00
E746 LD A,(HL) A=Z' (0x00, 0x01, 0x03, 0x07, 0x0E, 0x1F, 0x80, 0x86, 0xC7, 0xD7, 0xF0, 0xFC, or 0xFF)
E747 AND C Is bit 7-(X%8) of Z' set?
E748 JR Z,$E74E Jump if not
E74A LD A,B Otherwise set B=0xAC+2*(Y%6)
E74B ADD A,$0C
E74E SET 7,L L=0x80+Z (0x80-0xE5)
E750 POP AF A=X%8
E751 ADD A,$B8 H=0xB8+X%8
E753 LD H,A
E754 LD C,(HL) C=Z'' (value of byte 0x80+Z of page 0xB8+X%8)
E755 SET 5,E E=0x20+INT(X/8)
E757 LD A,(DE) A=value of byte 0x20+INT(X/8) of page 0xB8+INT(Y/6)
E758 LD L,A L=attribute byte address LSB (0x00-0x1B)
E759 LD A,E A=0x20+INT(X/8)
E75A XOR $60 A=0x40+INT(X/8)
E75C LD E,A Point DE at the window flags for the play area location (X,Y)
E75D LD A,(BC) A=T (value of byte Z'' of page 0xA0+2*(Y%6) or 0xAC+2*(Y%6))
We have collected the T value for the play area location (X,Y). Bits 7 and 6 of T have the following meanings:
Value Meaning
11 This location has a background tile and a transparent foreground tile
10 This location has a blank background tile and a transparent foreground tile (used by windows and house number signs)
01 This location has an opaque foreground tile only (characters with a z-coordinate of 1 will appear behind it)
00 This location has a background tile only (characters with a z-coordinate of 1 will appear in front of it)
When bits 7 and 6 of T are both set (11), bits 2-5 of T and bit 7 of T' indicate the LSB of the address of the background tile's graphic data; the MSB is always 0x80. The LSBs of the addresses of the graphic data for the two half-tiles that make up the foreground tile are derived from bits 0-6 of T'; the MSBs are always 0x80.
When bit 7 of T is set and bit 6 is reset (10), bits 3-5 are unused, and bit 2 is set only if the right-hand window of a pair is at this location. The LSBs of the addresses of the graphic data for the two half-tiles that make up the foreground tile are derived from T' (0x00-0x1F) and the window flags; the MSBs are always 0x80.
When bit 7 of T is reset, bit 5 is unused (always reset), and bits 2-4 indicate the MSB of the address of the tile's graphic data (0x80, 0x88, 0x90, 0x98 or 0xA0); the LSB is equal to T'.
Finally, bits 1 and 0 of T indicate the MSB of the address of the tile's attribute byte (0xA8, 0xA9, 0xAA or 0xAB); the LSB (0x00-0x1B, already collected in L at this point) is found in byte 0x20+INT(X/8) of page 0xB8+INT(Y/6).
E75E AND $03 Keep only bits 0 and 1 of T
E760 ADD A,$A8 0xA8<=A<=0xAB
E762 LD H,A 0xA8<=H<=0xAB
E763 LD A,(HL) A=play area tile attribute byte
E764 LD ($A81E),A Save it at A81E for later retrieval
E767 LD A,(BC) A=T
E768 INC B B=0xA1+2*(Y%6) or 0xAD+2*(Y%6); now BC points at the T' value
E769 RLCA Does this play area location have a background tile and a foreground tile?
E76A JR NC,$E7BC Jump if not
The play area location under consideration has a background tile and a foreground tile.
E76C BIT 7,A Is there a window or a house number sign here?
E76E JR NZ,$E784 Jump if not
There is a window or a house number sign at this location.
E770 CALL $F7DA Collect the window flags
E773 JR Z,$E77B Jump unless we are dealing with the right-hand window of a pair
E775 AND $23 Keep only bits 5 (light indicator), 1 and 0 (decoration indicator) of the window flags
E777 ADD A,$60 Set bit 7 if the light is off (i.e. copy bit 5 into bit 7)
E779 RRCA Move bits 1 and 0 (decoration indicator) into bits 7 and 6, and the light indicator back into bit 5
E77B AND $E0 Keep only bits 5 (light indicator), 6 and 7 (decoration indicator) of the window flags
E77D LD E,A Copy these bits to E
E77E LD A,(BC) A=T' (0x00-0x1F for window tiles and house number sign tiles)
E77F OR E A=foreground tile identifier
E780 LD L,$9F Use tile 0x9F in page 0x80 (which is blank) as the background tile
E782 JR $E791
There is no window or house number sign at this location, and it has a background tile and a transparent foreground tile.
E784 AND $78 Keep only bits 2-5 of T
E786 RRA
E787 SCF Shift bits 2-5 into bits 1-4 and set bit 7
E788 RRA
E789 LD L,A L=background tile reference (even number >= 0x80)
E78A LD A,(BC) A=T'
E78B RLCA Is bit 7 of T' set?
E78C JR NC,$E78F Jump if not
E78E INC L Increment the background tile reference (to an odd number >= 0x81)
E78F SCF A=T' with bit 7 set
E790 RRA
E791 LD E,A E=foreground tile identifier
E792 LD H,$80 Point HL at the background tile graphic data
Now HL holds the base address of the background tile graphic data.
E794 PUSH DE Save the foreground tile identifier (in E)
E795 CALL $E700 Copy the background tile into the back buffer at A01E
E798 LD A,$01 Superimpose sprite tiles for characters who are indoors (z=1)
E79D POP BC Restore the foreground tile identifier to C
Now we superimpose the foreground tile. The 16 graphic and mask bytes for the foreground tile are found in two groups of 8 bytes in pages 0x80-0x87.
E79E LD B,$C0 The LSB of the first group of 8 bytes is found in page 0xC0
E7A0 LD DE,$A01E Point DE at the back buffer at A01E
E7A3 LD A,(BC) A=LSB of the first group of 8 bytes
E7A4 LD L,A Copy the LSB to L
E7A5 LD H,$80 Point HL at the first byte (a graphic byte) in the group
E7A7 LD B,$04 There are 4 pairs of bytes per group
E7A9 LD A,(DE) A=back buffer byte
E7AA OR (HL) OR on the graphic byte
E7AB INC H Point HL at the corresponding mask byte
E7AC AND (HL) AND on the mask byte
E7AD INC H Point HL at the next graphic byte
E7AE LD (DE),A Replace the back buffer byte
E7AF INC D Point DE at the next back buffer byte
E7B0 DJNZ $E7A9 Jump back until all 8 bytes have been done
E7B2 LD B,$C1 The LSB of the second group of 8 bytes is found in page 0xC1
E7B4 LD A,(BC) A=LSB of the second group of 8 bytes
E7B5 INC C Set the zero flag if we've just done the second group
E7B6 LD C,$FF Signal: the second group is next
E7B8 JR NZ,$E7A4 Jump back until both groups have been done
The play area location under consideration has only one tile: either a background tile (if bit 6 of T is reset), or an opaque foreground tile (bit 6 of T set).
E7BC AND $B8 Keep only bits 3-5 and 7 (bits 2-4 and 6 of T)
E7BE RLCA Copy bit 6 of T into the carry flag
E7BF PUSH AF Save the carry flag
E7C0 SCF Now A has bit 7 set, and a copy of bits 2-4 of T in bits 3-5
E7C2 LD H,A H=0x80, 0x88, 0x90, 0x98 or 0xA0
E7C3 LD A,(BC) A=T'
E7C4 LD L,A Point HL at the tile graphic data
E7C5 CALL $E700 Copy the tile into the back buffer at A01E
E7C8 POP AF Restore the carry flag
E7C9 LD A,$01 Superimpose sprite tiles for characters who are indoors (z=1) if we're dealing with a background tile
Now we can superimpose sprite tiles for characters who are in the foreground.
E7CE LD A,$02 Superimpose sprite tiles for characters who are between a building and the sidewalk (z=2), and then for characters who are on the sidewalk or road (z=4)
The tile in the back buffer is now ready to be drawn.
E7D3 POP DE DE=display file address
E7D4 LD C,E C=corresponding attribute file address LSB
E7D5 LD A,D A=display file address MSB (0x40, 0x48 or 0x50)
E7D6 LD HL,$A01E Point HL at the back buffer containing the tile to be drawn
E7D9 RRCA A=0x58, 0x59 or 0x5A
E7DC ADD A,$50
E7DE LD B,A Point BC at the appropriate byte of the attribute file
E7DF LD A,($A81E) Collect the attribute byte saved earlier at A81E
E7E2 LD (BC),A Copy it to the attribute file
E7E3 JP $E703 Copy the tile to the display file
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