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7541: Initialise the events and objects for a new game
Continues from the routine at 7AE2. First we initialise the entries in the event table at 5FE0.
7541 LD HL,$5FE0 The event table starts at 5FE0
7544 LD DE,$0000 DE will be used to move HL from one entry to the next; initialise it to 0
7547 ADD HL,DE Point HL at the next entry in the table
7548 CALL $755B Initialise the entry
754B INC HL Prepare DE to point HL at the next event entry
754C LD E,(HL)
754D JR NZ,$7547 Jump back until every entry has been processed
Now we initialise the entries in the object location table at 7D1C.
754F LD E,$04 Each entry is 4 bytes long
7551 LD HL,$7D1C The object location table starts at 7D1C
7554 CALL $755B Initialise the entry
7557 RET Z Return if we've reached the end of the table
7558 ADD HL,DE Point HL at the next entry
7559 JR $7554 Jump back to process the next entry
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