Prev: 29952 Up: Map Next: 30043
30017: Initialise the events and objects for a new game
Continues from the routine at 31458. First we initialise the entries in the event table at 24544.
30017 LD HL,24544 The event table starts at 24544
30020 LD DE,0 DE will be used to move HL from one entry to the next; initialise it to 0
30023 ADD HL,DE Point HL at the next entry in the table
30024 CALL 30043 Initialise the entry
30027 INC HL Prepare DE to point HL at the next event entry
30028 LD E,(HL)
30029 JR NZ,30023 Jump back until every entry has been processed
Now we initialise the entries in the object location table at 32028.
30031 LD E,4 Each entry is 4 bytes long
30033 LD HL,32028 The object location table starts at 32028
30036 CALL 30043 Initialise the entry
30039 RET Z Return if we've reached the end of the table
30040 ADD HL,DE Point HL at the next entry
30041 JR 30036 Jump back to process the next entry
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