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77D3: Deal with Sam when he's on the phone
Used by the routine at 74D8 when bit 4 at 7FFC is set (by the routine at 76FA), indicating that Sam is on the phone.
77D3 LD HL,$7F9B The telephone call status flags are stored at 7F9B
77D6 BIT 6,(HL) Has someone asked Sam 'WHO'S THERE?'
77D8 JP NZ,$776F Jump if so
77DB BIT 1,(HL) Is the telephone call still in progress?
77DD JR Z,$77E3 Jump if so
77DF CALL $F1E3 Hang up if 'h' was pressed
77E2 RET
The telephone call is still in progress.
77E3 BIT 7,(HL) Has Sam picked up a telephone that was ringing?
77E5 JR Z,$77F3 Jump if not
77E7 CALL $F1E3 Hang up if 'h' was pressed
77EA LD A,($7FD3) A=ID of the telephone that Sam is holding
77ED LD HL,$6B4B The ringing phone location table is at 6B4B
77F0 JP $77A3 Check whether there is a message for Sam
77F3 BIT 5,(HL) Is the destination telephone ringing?
77F5 JR Z,$7806 Jump if not
77F7 CALL $F1E3 Hang up if 'h' was pressed
77FA CALL $772F Is the telephone that Sam is calling either off-screen or close enough to a character that can pick it up?
77FD RET NC Return if not
77FE LD A,($7F9A) A=ID of the telephone that Sam is calling
7801 LD HL,$6B72 The phone message table is at 6B72
7804 JR $77F0 Check whether Sam has called someone who has a message for him
Sam is still dialling the telephone number.
7806 BIT 4,(HL) Are we currently making the sound effect of a digit being dialled?
7808 JR NZ,$7830 Jump if so
780A CALL $F1E3 Check for keypresses and hang up if 'h' was pressed
780D RET Z Return if no key with an ASCII code in the range 0x30-0x7F was pressed
780E CP $3A Was the ASCII code of the keypress greater than 0x39 ('9')?
7810 RET NC Return if so
7811 CP $30 Was the ASCII code less than 0x30 ('0')?
7813 RET C Return if so
7814 LD HL,$7F91 Store the ASCII code of the digit in the first available space at 7F92
7817 INC L
7818 BIT 5,(HL)
781A JR NZ,$7817
781C LD (HL),A
781D SUB $30 A=digit that was dialled (0-9)
781F JR NZ,$7823 Jump unless '0' was dialled
7821 LD A,$0A The digit '0' will give 10 clicks
7823 INC A A=1-11
7824 LD ($E614),A Store this in byte 0x14 of Sam's buffer
7827 LD L,$9B HL=7F9B (telephone call status flags)
7829 LD (HL),$10 Set bit 4
782B LD A,$2A Message 0x2A: 'I DIALLED {number}'
782D JP $75CA Queue this message urgently
The sound effect of a digit being dialled is currently in progress.
7830 LD HL,$E608 Set Sam's main action timer (in byte 0x08 of his buffer) to 3
7833 LD (HL),$03
7835 LD L,$14 Point HL at byte 0x14 of Sam's buffer
7837 DEC (HL) Are there any more clicks to make?
7838 JP NZ,$EC69 Make a click if so
Sam has finished dialling a digit of the telephone number. Check whether the number dialled so far is valid.
783B LD HL,$7F9B Clear all the telephone call status flags at 7F9B
783E LD (HL),$00
7840 LD L,$92 Collect the ASCII code of the first digit that was dialled from 7F92
7842 LD A,(HL)
7843 CP $30 Was it '0'?
7845 JR Z,$7861 Jump if so (no telephone numbers start with 0)
7847 INC L Add the ASCII codes of the second and third digits to the first
7848 ADD A,(HL)
7849 INC L
784A ADD A,(HL)
784B INC L Point HL at the fourth digit
784C CP $AB Set the zero flag if '999' was dialled
784E LD A,$70 0x70 is the ID of the telephone in the police station
7850 JR Z,$785A Jump if Sam has dialled the police
7852 BIT 5,(HL) Has Sam dialled four digits yet?
7854 RET Z Return if not
7855 CALL $7A17 Has Sam dialled a valid telephone number?
7858 JR NZ,$7861 Jump if not
785A LD HL,$7FD3 7FD3 holds the ID of the telephone Sam is holding
785D CP (HL) Does it match the ID of the telephone Sam is calling?
785E JP NZ,$7A0C Jump if not to place the call
7863 JP $7799 Disconnect the call and queue this message urgently
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