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F1E3: Check for keypresses when Sam is on the phone
Used by the routines at 776F and 77D3. Returns with the zero flag set if no key with an ASCII code in the range 0x30-0x7F has been pressed. Otherwise returns with the ASCII code of the last keypress (converted to lower case) in A, or hangs up if 'h' was pressed.
F1E3 LD HL,$E608 Reset Sam's main action timer (in byte 0x08 of his buffer) to 4
F1E6 LD (HL),$04
F1E8 CALL $EAD9 Collect the ASCII code of the last key pressed in A
F1EB RET Z Return if no key with an ASCII code in the range 0x30-0x7F was pressed
F1EC SET 5,A Convert the ASCII code to lower case
F1EE CP $68 Was 'h' (hang up) pressed?
F1F0 RET NZ Return if not
F1F1 POP BC Drop the return address from the stack
F1F2 XOR A A=0
F1F3 LD ($7FFC),A Clear all of Sam's status flags at 7FFC
F1F6 LD ($7F9A),A Clear the ID of the phone that Sam is calling at 7F9A
F1F9 JP $772A Make a sound effect
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