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EAD9: Get the ASCII code of the last key pressed
Used by the routines at 6177, 7996, EAB2, F0BE and F1E3. Returns with the zero flag set if no key with an ASCII code in the range 0x30-0x7F was pressed. Otherwise returns with A holding the ASCII code of the last key pressed.
EAD9 LD HL,$5C3B Point HL at the system variable FLAGS
EADC BIT 5,(HL) Check the keypress flag
EADE RES 5,(HL) Reset the flag ready for the next keypress
EAE0 RET Z Return if no key was pressed
EAE1 LD A,($5C08) Collect the ASCII code of the key last pressed
EAE4 CP $30 Is the ASCII code < 0x30 ('0')?
EAE6 JR C,$EAEB Jump if so
EAE8 CP $80 Is the ASCII code < 0x80?
EAEA RET C Return if so
EAEB XOR A Set the zero flag to indicate that no (relevant) key was pressed
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