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F6B0: Check whether a character is standing next to a light switch or window blind
Used by the routines at 758C and F6E9. Returns with the zero flag reset if the character is standing next to a light switch or a window that has a blind, and with the bit set in A identifying the fixture that was found.
H Character number (0xD7-0xE6)
F6B0 LD L,$04 Point HL at byte 0x04 of the character's buffer
F6B2 BIT 0,(HL) Is the character indoors?
F6B4 RET Z Return if not
F6B5 CALL $F6A2 Collect in C the x-coordinate of the front column of the character's sprite
F6B8 LD B,$80 Bit 7 set: check for a light switch at the left side of the room
F6BA JR Z,$F6D0 Jump if C=0 mod 8
F6BC LD B,$10 Bit 4 set: check for a blind on the left-hand window
F6BE SUB $03 Does C=1 or 2 mod 8?
F6C0 JR C,$F6D0 Jump if so
F6C2 LD B,$04 Bit 2 set: check for a blind on a large central window
F6C4 SUB $02 Does C=3 or 4 mod 8?
F6C6 JR C,$F6D0 Jump if so
F6C8 LD B,$08 Bit 3 set: check for a blind on the right-hand window
F6CA SUB $02 Does C=5 or 6 mod 8?
F6CC JR C,$F6D0 Jump if so
F6CE LD B,$40 Bit 6 set: check for a light switch at the right side of the room (when C=7 mod 8)
F6D0 PUSH BC Save the fixture identifier bit (in B)
F6D1 CALL $F454 Is the character standing next to a light switch or a window that has a blind?
F6D4 JR NZ,$F6D9 Jump if so
F6D6 POP AF Restore the fixture identifier bit to A (though we don't need it now)
F6D7 XOR A Set the zero flag
F6D9 POP AF Restore the fixture identifier bit to A
F6DA AND A Reset the zero flag
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